Listeners say hello here


Sun 16 Nov 2008, 16:42

Ben ,this posting may be as old as the hills but it seems as true today .

Ben E. Wriggle

Fri 2 Sep 2005, 09:23

Gotta say the same. Some of the regular posters can sometimes get a little 'volatile' over what seems the most innocent of comments.

The written word does not convey the writers intonation and emphasis as does the spoken word. During a spoken discussion you can understand these finer points readily, during a written discussion they are interpreted by the reader - sometimes very different to the poster !!!

I think thats what puts many people off. You only have to look at the forum to see that !!!!

Keep up the good work Richard, I know time is short, and websites are time consuming, but keep adding the content, and lets see a few more posters stick their heads above their PC monitors !!!

Long live

Cally Robson

Thu 1 Sep 2005, 10:33

I'm putting my hand up. I listen in on the forum quite often, but mostly i don't post anything. I think for fear of kicking off a discussion that goes "wrong".

But i do find most of the information and discussions here interesting and valuable, especially when they represent a cross-section of what's happening in Charlbury.

Any other listeners ready to put their hands up?

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