Keep it coming (Debate)

Alice Brander

Wed 15 Apr 2020, 18:16

Today I looked at the empty shelf where the flour once was.  We are trying to go shopping only once a week.  Since there doesn’t seem to be any continuity, pattern of delivery or of produce to the local convenience stores, if we all relied on them we would have to go every day and see what we could pick up.  That would increase our exposure.  I shall be  joining my neighbours in the wider aisles and greater volumes available in Witney & Chipping Norton.  The police would be better employed looking for speeding drivers.

Hannen Beith

Wed 15 Apr 2020, 09:11

Last time I went into Londis (a few days ago) John had plenty of loo roll and flour!

Hans Eriksson

Tue 14 Apr 2020, 17:38

There was plenty of loo roll @ Lidl Witney on Friday. 

Alice Brander

Tue 14 Apr 2020, 16:04

Thank you Rod for that clear explanation and thank you Hans for making me laugh out loud.  I’m struggling to manage this one exercise a day in between all this gardening and decorating.  I still don’t understand why there is no loo roll except I heard this morning that the Italian paper products industry is re-opening today and wondered whether we import it all from Italy?  

Rod Evans
👍 1

Tue 14 Apr 2020, 10:48 (last edited on Tue 14 Apr 2020, 10:49)

That clip takes me back - not sure they could be so blunt with it now!

As a PS, in case the link I gave below doesn't work, just search 'The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020' and go to Reg 6 for the restrictions on personal movement - or rather, the "reasonable excuses" for leaving your home.  They say nothing incidentally about how many times you may take exercise per day, where or how, as long as you are either alone or with a member of your household.  So the 'once a day' appears to be nonsense - unless you know something I don't!

Hannen Beith

Tue 14 Apr 2020, 10:23

Great clip.  Thanks Hans.  Exercised my chuckle muscle!

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Tue 14 Apr 2020, 10:01

I always think of "being arrested for walking around with an offensive wife" when I hear about what Hannen experienced on the way to Chippy... "Call off the dogs" article in the Torygraph today (paywall).

I have written to TVP on several occasions since 2017 asking them to stop the speeding motorcyclists, but to date no response. But this they can do? 

Rod Evans
👍 2

Mon 13 Apr 2020, 18:06 (last edited on Tue 14 Apr 2020, 10:49)

It's always worth knowing what the law actually says - as opposed to the 'guidance' which may not accurately reflect it.  The link is here: ; It's Reg 6(1)(2)(a) for ageing lawyers and other anoraks like me!

If you can be bothered, you'll see from this that there is nothing in the regulations - unless anyone else knows better - to prevent you shopping where you choose to.  So however polite and well intentioned, the police should not be asking why you choose to shop in Chippy (where the Co-op is much more spacious and easier to keep 2m away from people, especially the staff - as good a reason as any I'd have thought).

Also worth noting that 'basic necessities' only 'includes' food and medicine so is not limited to them - and you can also buy 'supplies for the essential upkeep, maintenance and functioning of the household'.  M'learned friends of course could have a field day with vagaries like this (does that include eg picking up an order from a garden centre?) but as long as everyone is sensible and grown up about it let's hope no-one has to call on them - always best avoided if at all possible!

Just to be clear, this is not legal advice and I accept no responsibility etc etc!

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Mon 13 Apr 2020, 13:46

Thank you Alice.

I admit I was being a trifle flippant by using the word "interrogated".  The Police were pulling everyone over, not just me, and no, I wasn't speeding.  My clever car has an incredible computer thingy which tells the engine what the speed limit is, and even if you go over it, the engine will just conk out.  Like a sort of enhanced cruise control.  Sometimes a little alarming at first, but jolly useful.

No, the Police were incredibly well mannered and considerate.  In my experience they are.  They only asked why I couldn't shop for necessities in Charlbury and I explained that I couldn't get a wide range.  Also, I had only travelled 6 miles!

We are not stockpiling, but as you intimate, there is a limit to the range of goods our lovely local shops can offer.  They simply don't have the space that the supermarkets do but they are doing a fantastic job.

I can remember rationing, and how excited my Mother was when it ended (1954).  Compared to those lean days, the stock on the shelves is a veritable bounty.

Tony Morgan
👍 3

Mon 13 Apr 2020, 13:38

Considering we have a pandemic and lock down I think its interesting to see how our systems have held up

Steve Jones
👍 1

Mon 13 Apr 2020, 11:32

You'll probably find that Easter eggs were manufactured months ago and kept in stock ready. Even in a normal year they appear on the shelves weeks before Easter.

Apparently there's been a huge boom in home baking in the lock-down, especially the baking of bread at home and the mills are working flat out.

Alice Brander
👍 3

Mon 13 Apr 2020, 10:25

I am shocked that Hannen was 'interrogated' going to Chipping Norton (unless, of course, you were speeding Hannen?).  You don't see a police person for years, where have they come from?  We have convenience stores in Charlbury which are incredibly convenient and I'm the first to support all of them in what their limited supply does best.  But if we all (2,830 of us) did our weekly shop from them alone it would be interesting to see how they managed coping with families of 5.  

As someone who didn't stockpile (small house), and is frustrated by the empty shelves in our local shops - I would ask why the country has run out of loo paper, brown bread flour and yeast but still seems able to provide Easter eggs and other non-essentials.   It's been interesting to see just how quickly our systems fail.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 2

Sun 12 Apr 2020, 19:44

That’s kind, Hannen, but don’t worry too much – the sum’s manageable and the Garden Society on occasion makes a greatly appreciated donation. Once the world is a bit calmer I might consider setting up a Patreon site or similar, but for now it’s fine!

Hannen Beith
👍 2

Sun 12 Apr 2020, 18:19

I am uncomfortable that Richard pays for the website.  

I pay £12 a month for a digital daily edition of a newspaper.

I'd happily pay a few pounds each month towards the upkeep of this website.  It is so useful.

Gareth Epps
👍 6

Sun 12 Apr 2020, 13:04

The Calais thread was verging on harassment.  Richard did well to remove it; it was very unpleasant.  The originator is now pursuing his agenda elsewhere.

Tony Morgan
👍 5

Sun 12 Apr 2020, 13:00

Richard you do an excellent job in getting the right balance and I had no problem when you moved me to the grease pit. Keep up the good work

Jean Adams
👍 1

Sun 12 Apr 2020, 11:38

Thank you Hannen. I know you are there and will shout if things get too bad.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 6

Sun 12 Apr 2020, 11:33 (last edited on Sun 12 Apr 2020, 11:34)

I’m happy with debate or disagreements – that’s what the debate board is for, after all! – as long as it remains relatively civil. Unfortunately the Calais thread, which is what Maggie’s referring to, had gone past that point. In theory I’d like to have cherry-picked the good stuff out of there and just removed the one or two less civil messages, but I’m afraid I was getting so many messages demanding that I do one thing or another, I just got exasperated with the whole thing and nuked the thread. Mea culpa.

I don’t mind paying for the website, I just don’t really want to pay for lawyers as well, or for an armed guard every time I step out of the house. :)

Maggie Watts
👍 1

Sun 12 Apr 2020, 11:11

Hi Jean

I have been very forcefully told by Richard Fairhurst that he pays for this website and he does not want debate or disagreements. Be careful what you say or you may be similarly reprimanded. You have been warned!


Hannen Beith
👍 1

Sun 12 Apr 2020, 05:09

Dear Jean,

Poor you.  We are only "over the way" and you have our 'phone number so feel free to call us whenever you want.  One, or both, of us can always pop over and "shout" at you through the gates!

Hard to invent something contentious without upsetting someone.

I can tell you that I visited Sainsburys in Chipping Norton early evening yesterday (whatever day that was!) and there were Police around.  I was pulled over (quite rightly) and interrogated in a very mild and well mannered way.  They wanted to know why I had driven out of Charlbury to purchase necessities when there were shops in the Town.  I explained that the Sainsburys had a larger range, and that our cat is fed up with the local Co-op food (no slur intended).  In fact she is throwing up.

Also pointed out that I had gone into voluntary self-isolation a week before the "official" Lockdown, and frankly, was going "nuts", even though we have a lovely garden, and the allotment, and super neighbours.

Keep going Jean, we have not forgotten you, and when this blows over we will again take you to the Wootton talks and to the Chippy Theatre. Happy memories.

Very best wishes, Hannen.

Jean Adams

Sat 11 Apr 2020, 20:50 (last edited on Sat 11 Apr 2020, 20:51)

Please keep the debate alive. I live alone in isolation with no neighbours.I look forward to opening my iPad to see what people are saying locally. Sad, I know but it is the times in which we are living. Kind regards. Jean

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