Corona - What we are up against! (Debate)

Rosemary Bennett
👍 2

Tue 24 Mar 2020, 17:38 (last edited on Wed 25 Mar 2020, 21:07)

Well with people like this living in Charlbury, nobody is safe. I shall attempt to boycott the co-op, with this kind of threat hanging over us, until there are strict procedures. It’s not the staff  that are being criticised here, quite the opposite. If they are being exposed to unnecessary risks, it is grossly unfair.

Rod Evans
👍 2

Tue 24 Mar 2020, 16:40

Apart from people like the one Barbara encountered (there's A word for them but let's just call them misguided) it's going to take a while for us to adjust.  I stopped to fill up (an essential journey!) at Yarnton, most people making an effort, yards apart, tape on the floor opposite the tills - and then a middle aged woman took hold of my arm and asked from a foot away if I was in the queue!  It wasn't malicious, ordinarily normal behaviour - but these are not normal times.

I've heard of at least 2 people in the town who are positive for the virus.  I take my hat off to the people everywhere who are putting themselves at risk to keep us all going.  As the notices at Yarnton said, it's not their fault, they deserve respect.

Jean Adams
👍 3

Tue 24 Mar 2020, 14:14

That is not the Wartime spirit! Do people not realise there is a war going on and we all have to comply with the rules to survive. Obviously not.

vicky burton
👍 1

Tue 24 Mar 2020, 13:26

This morning whilst queuing for the pharmacy, an elderly woman came along stating that she had lived through the war and that people were more (unnecessarily)scared now, than they were then of Hitler! She proceeded to state loud enough for all to hear that she was wearing a scarf to protect her if need be and wasn't even a metre away from the man she was addressing. I did inform her that a scarf would not protect her and that she wasn't exactly practicing social distancing! This was acknowledged with a "see what I mean" look from her at the man. She then went in to the deli and co-op. With mindsets like this around, I despair for the vulnerable ofCharlbury. 

Laura Macy
👍 1

Tue 24 Mar 2020, 11:53

Oh dear! What a terrible experience! I was also in the co-op yesterday and was concerned about the queuing and lack of markers to show 2 meters (it's surprisingly far!). I wrote to the Co-op's head office and had a very quick and helpful response. They had sent instructions to all stores yesterday and were going to contact the regional manager (or something like that) to follow up. So I hope we'll see some clear markers in the store -- even given the crowded conditions soon.

This is NOT, by the way, a criticism of anyone working in the co-op. I'm very grateful to all of you for keeping the store running for us under extraordinarily difficult circumstances.  

👍 3

Tue 24 Mar 2020, 10:56

At the Co-op yesterday morning I politely asked a man if he would comply with the ‘social distancing’ queue system which is now in place. He asked ‘Why’? and I said so that we all keep a safe distance from each other at which point he told me that he did not give a ****! When I said that I would still like him to move away he told me to **** off!  Oh well - Keep Calm and Carry On!

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