Dog Excrement (Debate)

Carl A Perkins

Fri 27 Mar 2020, 22:50

Phil, why is it a daft question if Hannen has already said that he empties the bin on fiveways, which is also a public bin?

The reason I ask is that every time I’ve used the bin by the bell it’s been almost empty. I can’t imagine WODC emptying it that often. Plus, it’s an open top bin whereas most of the others around town are the plastic ones with the slots around the side

Hannen Beith

Fri 27 Mar 2020, 17:31

Many thanks Phil.  Much appreciated.

Have just been out to empty the bin again.  I don't mind, but just wish people would be considerate.  I thought that as there were fewer people at the bus stop now it would have made it easier.  On the contrary, usual thing, so much dog waste in there that the liner had collapsed so used latex gloves to sort it all out.  Have bought (at my own expense) heavy duty sacks and put one in and taped it around the top.  I hope it doesn't damage the paintwork but really have had no choice.  This is still a twice weekly unpleasant chore.

Ubico usually provide the sacks and the Town Clerk has been very supportive, but they are incredibly short staffed and cannot get the heavy duty sacks to me.

There are other health hazards to think about now, but I really wish the dog owners would be more thoughtful.  It doesn't matter that it's me emptying it - I wouldn't want a "waste operative" having to do it either.  

Phil Morgan
👍 2

Fri 27 Mar 2020, 15:22

Hannen, I think we all accept that you are a local hero. In your particular location, you are probably prone to  more thoughtless or anti-social behaviour than most people.

Carl; if you don't mind me saying so, your's is a bit of a daft question - it's WODC of course but, as this Covid-19 thing progresses, we'll be lucky to have any refuse collection over future weeks/months. 

Carl A Perkins

Wed 25 Mar 2020, 17:57

Who empties the bin next to the bus stop on Church Street?

Hannen Beith

Mon 23 Mar 2020, 16:27

Thanks Richard.

Agree.  Sincere apologies.  The Town Clerk has been incredibly helpful and we are in regular contact regarding not just the bin, but the fact that my Wife and I clear the old bus shelter of detritus, clean the wooden signpost, and pick up litter around Fiveways.

A rant born of sheer frustration.  I must ask the TC how many other Charlbury residents are "tasked" with cleaning up their immediate neighbourhood and emptying "public" bins.

Anyway, apologies again.

Very best wishes,


Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 1

Mon 23 Mar 2020, 15:15

Hi Hannen – as I’m sure you know, if you want to bring something to the attention of the town clerk then please email . Thank you!

Hannen Beith

Mon 23 Mar 2020, 14:09

Have just completed my weekly task of emptying the bus stop bin at Fiveways.

Wore gloves this time as it is really becoming so unpleasant.  Quite apart from the fact that Ubico (despite the Town Clerk's best efforts) are no longer supplying heavy duty sacks, so I have to buy them myself, the stuff people throw in there is really disgusting.  And they do "throw in" so the liner collapses and I have to pull nasty stuff out by hand.

Would happily pay more Council Tax and not have to risk my health and the health of my nearest, and immediate neighbours.

"Be careful what you wish for."  I thought that it would be an improvement on scrabbling around on my hands and knees to pick up dog shit, the occasional condom (odd one that!) from my front garden.  Instead it seems to have given people free rein.

This has nothing to do with Coronavirus which is relatively innocuous in comparison - to me at any rate.   

This is a personal, if not a Public Health Hazard, so please will the Town Council do something about it? 

Hannen Beith

Tue 3 Mar 2020, 23:07


How horrid.  Completely unacceptable.  I had a dog for 14 years and used to bag it up and take it home.  (To what was then the "grey" bin).

It's not just anti-social, but lazy.  I am told that it is a public health hazard as well.  I don't know.

Rachel Cooper
👍 1

Tue 3 Mar 2020, 20:27

Last Thursday morning I had dog poo all over the narrow pavement outside my salon in market street. I washed it all down with bleach and hot water to prevent either passers by, or my clients treading it in. This is 1, a health risk and 2, illegal. It comes with a hefty fine if caught in the act. I am also a dog owner and feel for the poor animal who’s owners cannot take responsibility for their four legged companions. Unacceptable! 

Hannen Beith

Tue 3 Mar 2020, 11:51

I've already posted about this but sorry - apart from the failure of the person who uses green bags to plop their dog's poo into the bin just a few metres up Hixet Wood, and instead likes or chooses to put it in the bin I have to empty (which is unnecessary and anti-social - there are children who wait at the bus stop so for their sake please put it in the correct bin).  I can cope with it, although it's unpleasant and, surprising as it must be to you, not one of my favourite chores.

However, today, you surpassed yourself, and put your green dog poo bag in my food caddy.  Not great for me or the Ubico "operatives".  I had to lift it out and put it in the correct bin.  I don't mind doing my bit for the community and for Public Health, but really - dog shit in a food caddy?!

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