Covid-19 (Debate)

Hannen Beith

Sun 15 Mar 2020, 14:19


Completely agree.  

Helen Chapman
👍 3

Sun 15 Mar 2020, 13:42

I would like to gently point put that if anyone seriously needs to self-isolate because they think they have the virus, that certainly shouldn’t involve visiting the shops. See the thread on the main board if you need help with food or medicine deliveries.

Hannen Beith

Sun 15 Mar 2020, 13:08

Thank you Steve.  Good article.

I am in a high risk category but travelled by bus (S3) to Oxford and back on Wednesday, and to Wood Green and back by public transport yesterday.  Hand washing is, for my generation, something that was instilled in us (sometimes with physical discipline which would not be countenanced today, and as for the latter I agree).

So I washed my hands at every opportunity.  It's not rocket science.

Concerned at the reaction of many Charlbury residents this morning regarding the brief power cut.  Again, used to them on account of my age.  I just caught up on a few overdue household chores, and read a book.  The relevance is that it doesn't fill me with confidence that (some) residents will have the psychological fortitude to cope if the virus affects Charlbury.

Steve Jones
👍 1

Fri 13 Mar 2020, 22:25 (last edited on Fri 13 Mar 2020, 22:36)

Jean, I think you are taking the best approach, and something that I'm going to advise my mother to do shortly as she's most certainly in one of the higher risk categories. This thing called "social distancing" is already happening, as people make their own decisions about events.

As for a cough, I had a cold after Christmas, which cleared after a week but followed by an annoying cough that hung on for another three, and I was not the only one.

On the general point of the strategy of the government experts, Robert Peston has written an excellent argument explaining what is behind the approach, and what assumptions have been made. As importantly, it also states what neither the government, or anybody else, knows.

Jean Adams

Fri 13 Mar 2020, 21:57

I am self isolating, Apart from a trip to the chemist to collect a prescription and to the Coop for essentials. And attending Farmers Market tomorrow. I was sorry not to attend the Lent Lunch . I have had a chesty cough for a month So am staying away from gatherings. 

Steve Jones
👍 2

Fri 13 Mar 2020, 21:38

Are the members of the Town Council peculiarly skilled in epidemiology that they can second-guess the advice of health experts?

As it is, I suspect the most biggest contribution the council could have is towards preparing the the town and its people for supporting the most vulnerable and those that individuals and families that will need support during periods of self-isolation. It could be particularly difficult for those that don't have family support networks.

Liz Reason
👍 1

Thu 12 Mar 2020, 16:03

None of these decisions are within the remit of the Town Council.  If only!

Andrew Chapman
👍 1

Tue 3 Mar 2020, 11:57

Thanks Katie - that's good to hear. I was only looking at the raw maths in the most primitive way, and I certainly don't have your expertise!

Katie Ewer
👍 3

Tue 3 Mar 2020, 10:05

Andrew, I don't think your prediction is correct because although the case rate is increasing, at the moment the UK doesn't have uncontrolled human-to-human transmission in the way that, for example, Italy does. In addition, the UK is particularly well placed to deal with outbreaks of infectious diseases and have some of the best expertise in the world in this area. I've got some knowledge of the plans that are being put in place around Oxford and there is a lot going on. I think the one area that we might struggle with is ITU capacity if we have lots of very severe cases, but otherwise, we should be at least as well prepared as any other country to contain this.

Andrew Chapman
👍 1

Mon 2 Mar 2020, 15:46 (last edited on Mon 2 Mar 2020, 16:17)

The school would be an Oxfordshire decision - or academy-level one - anyway, presumably. Given the current daily growth rate (1.3) and the population of Charlbury, one would realistically expect a first case here to be likely within 25 days from now – but probably sooner, given the town's transport links to large population centres, and indeed its jet-setting populace!

Katie Ewer
👍 1

Mon 2 Mar 2020, 08:17

There is already lots of advice from the LGA on how to manage this and I presume the Council will have to follow the national guidance.

Hannen Beith

Sun 1 Mar 2020, 19:23

Probably contentious so posting here.

Have the Town Council made contingency plans?

For example, school closures, Community Centre closure and so on.

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