Charlbury is a very special market town

Charlotte Penn

Sun 23 Nov 2008, 19:26

Keeping warm on the cheap

Do you know – I’ve just bubble wrapped my windows and I’m warming up already.

The chocolate torte has just cooked and a cabbage, smoked sausage and caraway soup is simmering away. And, homemade bread is proving in the warmth. That’s four meals out of half a cabbage, and 1lb of flour!

Old blanket curtains to be made tomorrow.

Has anyone got any old burgundy velvet curtains, they want to get rid of?

Oh, can anyone recommend a fair-priced plumber who can flush my old radiators?

The roads are quiet and all is peaceful.

Life’s not bad on the cheap.

Life without mind dummying TV – has given me a new lease of life.

Charlotte Penn

Sun 23 Nov 2008, 09:28

Oh Derek – now my head is completely trifled with another sleepless night working, like Cinderella. Did you hear those fireworks at around 1 this morning? - a bit rude if you ask me.

Anyway, I was thinking a trying another new trifle recipe I’d like to make up today, seasonal and simple, and perfect after a roast.

It’s kind of like an old fashioned Whim Wham. Love the name, which is trifle-ish!

So I’m going to cook up some apples, gently with some light muscovado sugar, some cassia – which a type of cinnamon, but less harsh, a clove, a little knob of butter, and perhaps a mixture of apples so I can use them up. Star anise is also fab.

I shall make a rich proper custard with four egg yolks, double cream and milk. I shall flavour the custard with a good vanilla sugar and a pod. No cornflour is necessary. Never no why people are scared of making custard? If it curdles, just take it off the heat and blend it with a hand blender.

Now let both the apples and custard cool down separately.

In a Whim Wham – there should be a crunch, so I shall make some biscuits. I know – I fancy making some gingernuts! I need to make some for xmas anyway. Grasmere gingernuts are the best. I’ve worked out their recipe. YUM YUM! The ones in the shops are not bad – if you are in a rush.

Anyway, get out some pretty glasses and place a spoonful of the apples in the bottom, crush a few crumbs of biscuits and then top with the cool, thick creamy custard. Once again, crumble over some more gingernut crumbs and serve.

Bon appetit and bon jour!

Charlotte Penn

Sat 22 Nov 2008, 20:28

Yup Mandy- Twaz the grease pit - I meant, not pen! Thanks for explaining. Derek, funny you should mention trifles; they are delicious and are my speciality. Mine aren’t out of packets though!


Fri 21 Nov 2008, 17:20

i think she means the grease pit


Fri 21 Nov 2008, 16:43

What is this grease pen you keep harping on about?

Looks like you make some nice food mind you - so not surprised you are kept busy, try making a few trifles then you won't feel so 'tried'.

Charlotte Penn

Thu 20 Nov 2008, 12:45

Whoops on spelling. Very very tired, 11 days now working, still only just standing. I've found a super driver now. Thank the lord. I can start to relax now, and get on with my job.

Charlotte Penn

Thu 20 Nov 2008, 12:43

No jokes on main - I would say. Jokes are for the grease pen for those don't get it, and those that are too sacred to state their last name. No offence Many. That the Lord the sun has shone today.


Thu 20 Nov 2008, 08:06

cant we even joke on here now then

Charlotte Penn

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 20:45

Not funny or clever - grow up

Paul Taylor

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 20:38


Paul Taylor

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 19:13

Has someone been on the Sherry

Charlotte Penn

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 20:06

Good communication and families are the key

Charlotte Penn

Tue 18 Nov 2008, 20:05

Lets now just keep it this so. Isn't it better when the sun shines, It's cooling down and the frost will come by Friday for the weekend. Keep you good ones warm and cosy - with yummy food. Happy cooking and happy days! Sweet dreams to all.

Charlotte Penn

Fri 25 Apr 2008, 01:03

Just have to say – how wonderful most Charlbury people are!

I am overwhelmed with your kindness, local creativity and intelligent talent.

I thank you all – to those you know me, who have offered and helped!

With the support that I have had - from you lovely special people - I now can be the swan I’ve always wanted to be.

Happiness and love to all.

Sweet dreams in Spring and the birds will sing!

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