Petition to Save the BBC (Debate)

Liz Reason
👍 2

Thu 19 Mar 2020, 16:00

I think that the Covid-19 situation is illustrating the value of a trusted public service broadcaster.  And the role of the state in preparing and delivering a strategy which is heavily dependent on the effective functioning of a public health system.  It is also exposing the terrible income insecurity with which millions have to cope in this country, including having to keep schools open to provide a safe haven for children who would otherwise go without food.

Charlie M
👍 3

Fri 21 Feb 2020, 16:36

I too support this petition.

As a result of the sustained attack on the BBC by successive governments over the last ten or so years, including ridiculous accusations of "political bias", they are now running scared. And I do not blame them. I would say now that they are marginally biased towards the right, in every likelihood due to these attacks and accusations. In fact, some would call it bullying. And I would agree with them.

I believe a good "barometer" of whether or not the BBC is biased is my forty or so years of listening to Radio Four's "Today" Programme. And over those years I have witnessed intense yet fair questioning of government ministers from *both* of the main parties. But the present government is very indiscriminate with its accusations of political bias, so much so that, but for the support of the right-wing press it would be laughed out of existence.

PLEASE SUPPORT THE BBC! DO NOT allow them to be hamstrung by this nasty attack on their integrity! 

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Wed 19 Feb 2020, 18:10

According to "The Times" it's not a spending review:

If Cummings is behind it, it will happen.

On the other hand, I also subscribe to Netflix and Prime and suspect that the blanket imposition of a universal licence fee is now anachronistic, and probably unfair. I have 3 (adult children) and 5 grandchildren, none of whom watch or listen to the BBC. 

I only listen to R 4 WATO.  I don't watch the BBC channels or indeed any TV.  I prefer to choose a film.  So, from an egocentric point of view, it would suit me.

Poor Lord Reith!  He must be turning in his grave.  Mind you, he was never a happy man...

Richard Tebbutt
👍 1

Tue 18 Feb 2020, 22:06

It's a spending review, not an attack. And it's valid, you have to bear in mind that not every consumes linear media anymore so it's high time this was reviewed. I would personally much rather subscribe to the aspects of the BBC I chose than be forced to pay the same I do for Netflix and Prime combined. 

Peter Bridgman
👍 3

Tue 18 Feb 2020, 17:04

I have just signed a petition to save our BBC through Robin Priestly via 38 Degrees.  I would urge everyone in Charlbury to do the same!  Whatever its faults, we must not lose our BBC.

Christine Battersby
👍 3

Mon 17 Feb 2020, 15:14 (last edited on Tue 18 Feb 2020, 23:08)

It's clearly controversial, so that's why I'm posting it here under DEBATE. 

There's a petition to save BBC from proposed Government attacks. You can find it here:

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