Forum reopened - what's changed

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 15

Fri 31 Jan 2020, 00:00

Hi all,

As you’ll see the Forum is now back in operation. There is one major change which you’ll need to note.

There is a new Debate board. All debate, arguing, or complaining goes there. It doesn’t matter how justified or uncontentious you think something is; all arguments and complaints go there. The forum moderators will move postings without warning.

If you want something to stay on the main board, then phrase it helpfully. So “Just letting people know there’s a pothole on Dyers Hill” is 100% fine for the main board. “Why is there yet another pothole on Dyers Hill, why doesn’t the County Council/our MP/Odin do something about this, what do I pay my taxes/sacrifice my cows for” goes in Debate.

The existence of the Debate board doesn’t absolve you of the need to be a human being! Continually disruptive or unconstructive posts will result in your account being removed.

The purpose of the website, including the forum, is to help Charlbury residents and to make Charlbury better. It is not to continually niggle at others’ efforts from the comfort of your own armchair. If you'd rather post the latter than the former, then hie thee off to Facebook where you can be Mr Zuckerberg’s problem and not mine.

There are new rules reflecting this and you are asked to read them - click here to read the rules.

(Historic footnote: the Debate board replaces the Grease Pit; I haven't moved old postings between boards but will do so if/when they are reawakened.)

For the 95% of you who are lovely and helpful, thank you for your patience and I hope you find the forum useful.


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