New train timetable

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Thu 22 Aug 2019, 08:45

Thank you again, William. Really pleased that this has been picked up as an issue. 

William Crossley

Thu 22 Aug 2019, 00:23

Concerns about what is currently planned for late afternoon and early evening services to the Cotswold Line from Reading were raised by the CLPG with GWR at a meeting this week. Not sure when a response can be expected, as it will require further discussions between GWR and Network Rail.

Christine Battersby

Wed 21 Aug 2019, 20:03

Thank you, William. I am very pleased that this is being looked at, and hope for a positive outcome.

Although most of the timetable changes look at first sight as if they will benefit Charlbury residents, the Charlbury Station Master confirmed this week that the reduction of trains stopping at Reading could cause difficulties for people travelling from Gatwick Airport on weekday afternoons. Those coming back from Guildford & similar places would presumably also experience difficulties.

The Station Master was rather surprised when he looked at the draft timetable to check this, and said he would raise it with GWR. Perhaps the CLPG has also picked up this issue. If not, I would be grateful if they could do so. Changing trains in London when flying into Gatwick is not only more expensive, it is also difficult when there are heavy suitcases to carry. 

Whilst there are obvious advantages to fast trains not stopping at Reading (to avoid overcrowding), there are also some severe disadvantages -- also for those working or studying in Reading. 

William Crossley
👍 1

Wed 21 Aug 2019, 17:10

Christine, re ticket easements and the first trains on weekdays when the Network and Cotswold railcards can be used, the Cotswold Line Promotion Group has asked GWR to explain what the rules will be from December. 

At a meeting yesterday, GWR said its ticketing team are still working on this and similar issues that have cropped up as a result of the changes in the new timetable and they hope to provide details soon, so I will let people know once I hear something.

John Dora

Fri 9 Aug 2019, 21:44

Thanks Richard, 

Going to Birmingham becomes easier - the 07.10 Down train will give a 10 minute connection at Worcester Parkway - convenient for me when I go to the University - roundly 1½ hours to University Station. Seems a long wait on the return journey though (50 mins?)...

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 1

Wed 7 Aug 2019, 09:46

Off-peak to Paddington is nominally leaving Charlbury after 08.20 (including Senior and Family railcards), super off-peak after 09.55. I don’t know whether GWR will retain the Network Card easement – I hope so!

Christine Battersby

Wed 7 Aug 2019, 09:30

Yes, thank you Richard. Very useful.

You also get the late train  into Charlbury to show by selecting the +1hr button on the link that you provided. 

I see that 09.41 to Paddington is replaced by an 09.10 departure. Does that mean that it will still qualify for the offpeak (but not super-offpeak) return fare? 

And do you know if there will still be an easement for those using a Network card? (It's currently allowed for the 9.41, but I think that is allowed as an exception.) I am presuming that the Senior Railcard discount will be OK on the 09.10. But perhaps it will no longer be allowed on the earlier train, re-timed from 08.35 to 08.27 ... a shame if so.

PJ Honey
👍 1

Wed 7 Aug 2019, 08:55

Ah yes, so it does! Thanks. Looks like a bit of a milk train though, stopping at places like Twyford too, but it’s still a good option. 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 7 Aug 2019, 08:48

Because it’s an early morning train (i.e. after midnight!) by the time it arrives in Charlbury, it actually shows up on the top of the listing rather than the bottom, and doesn’t show on Monday mornings because it doesn’t run on Sunday night – if you see what I mean. 

If you take a look at the times for 17th December it’s the top train, running from Paddington to Worcestershire Parkway. The timetable isn’t signed and sealed until mid-September so details could change, but it sounds like this one is running.

PJ Honey
👍 1

Wed 7 Aug 2019, 08:40 (last edited on Wed 7 Aug 2019, 08:41)

Thanks very much for putting up the new train times from December, Richard, it’s very helpful and I can see a lot of improvements. I can’t see the new weekday 22:50 service from Paddington on the link to your sample 16.12.19 timetable or on other dates, though. Is it definitely being introduced? Thanks. 

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