Broadband speed - dropping?

Hans Eriksson

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 18:59

Rebooted the router and it stayed the same. Ah well, Gigaclear is imminent here @ 900 Mbps... (Fibre to the home)

Andrew Greenfield

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 16:22

No problem here at Little Lees using the box on The Slade by Lee Close, only a few hundred yards from our house.

A check a few minutes ago shows 59.86 down, 8.46 up, which is more or less exactly what I pay for with EE.

Jackie Hague

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 14:31

We’ve experienced several instances of lost signal and drop-out / drop-off  over the last few weeks and Openreach seems to have become a semi-permanent presence at the Fiveways junction box.  Rebooting has worked sometimes though not always.  

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 14:13

I’ve found our broadband (on Market Street) to be unusually flaky over the past month or so – upload speeds, in particular, have been very erratic. Rebooting the router has usually fixed it.

Hans Eriksson

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 14:10

When we first got superfast a few years ago I was on 20 Mbps but recently this has dropped to 10 (we are a 1/3 of a mile outside of Charlbury so we will get less). Anybody else seen a drop? 

Ps. This is not normally dependent on your internet service provider, but we are on BT.

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