Noise levels Sunday

Paul Taylor
👍 1

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 10:39

Any complaints please contact west Oxfordshire District Council by email.

Hannen Beith

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 08:38


Which Department at WODC please?

I haven't messaged you privately as I suspect others will want to know where to lodge complaints!

Thanks, Hannen.

Valou Pakenham-Walsh
👍 4

Tue 6 Aug 2019, 07:54

Sorry for those who could not sleep. We slept like logs in Woodfield Drive once the windows were shut. And it helped to think of all the Charlbury residents with tickets having a lot of fun so close. We are very lucky to have such amazing events on our doorstep.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 21:10

I think part of the problem this year was where the late music was located. You can see the timetable here & it shows The Hustle (no 7) as the late-night spot:

And you can see where The Hustle (7) is located here: 

It's on relatively high ground, unlike The Valley (no. 4) which is where the late-night partying used to take place. Of course I realise it also depends on the direction of the wind. Where I live (in Ditchley Rd) it was the Saturday which was far worse. I could hear the words, as well as the bass ...

Alan Cobb
👍 3

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 15:35

The racket at the brow of Dyers Hill was pretty bad.  My cat was seriously disturbed and spent Sunday night hiding under the kitchen table.

Paul Taylor
👍 1

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 14:55

Sorry Hannen you don’t have to put up with it they have to sort it out correctly as I have said other years I don’t have a problem as long as they respect the locals last night they didn’t give a dam I spoke to Ben on the phone and he was more interested in putting the phone down as I used the word s—t ( in the context Wilderness don’t give a S—t about locals) I don’t want free our cheap tickets I have pets so it’s impractical to move out for a week end. The end of the day they come here to make money they aren’t doing it for the goodness of their heart yes some money goes back into the community I know that but have respect for the locals. Why doesn’t the lorries go in finstock way as that’s got to be better  

Hannen Beith

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 14:28

Good advice Paul,

Although I have to say that it didn't disturb me (at Wellington Cottages).

I've vented my spleen about the traffic etc. on another thread so won't bore you all again.

I suppose one just has to accept that if one lives on a road, or in a town, where a Festival attracting about 10,000 visitors takes place every year, you either put up, or shut up, or go away for a couple of weeks.

I think I shall be having nightmares about the hundreds of portaloos going back and forth in front of my house for months. ;-)


Paul Taylor
👍 1

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 14:15

I spoke to West Oxfordshire district council early they explained why the licence  was granted till the time in was and as no complaints from last year it was granted. I can not see why any one with any common sense would grant a licence going late into Monday morning. So what you need to do is make a complaint to West Oxfordshire district council and next years festival will have to stop at a sensible time also mention to following years to come as it’s clear that MAMA & Company are playing the system and know every other year they will get a late licence. Also no one want to talk to me about it from MAMA & Company. So if you were disturbed please contact West Oxfordshire district council.


Mon 5 Aug 2019, 13:36

I agree I am happy to put up with it Friday and Saturday but last night was a joke and I'm up in Ticknell!

Rachel Cooper
👍 1

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 12:41

Very very loud in Stonesfield all weekend but particularly last night. It’s the bass more than anything, continual thumping. I’m not against it and know it’s only one weekend a year but would be better to have a curfew on Sunday. The sound seems to travel directly across the valley. 

Michael Grant

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 12:19 (last edited on Mon 5 Aug 2019, 12:20)

I live near to Hixet Wood, it was loud enough to hear the words they were singing, and yes the windows were closed - which in this heat is a nightmare. 

In previous years ive heard it as far away as Enstone

👍 3

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 12:11

May I ask where you all live as my parents live at hixet wood and it didn't disturb them and before you ask no I didn't go to the festival 

Paul Taylor
👍 1

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 10:51

After last years event when there was no complaints the west oxfordshire district council gave the wilderness festival a license till 4 am no amplified music after 2am so this is the circle Wilderness work with behave every 2. I have complained and they are aware of what’s happening and we have to put a complaint in every year now.

Michael Grant

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 10:18

I'm glad that someone agrees with me on this. 

I have sent numerous complaints to them about the noise, some of which take a year for them to reply with.  They tell me they have an on-site noise monitoring team, but they never seem to send the results of those tests when i request them.

You would think that they would want to be more careful about there noise levels as it is one of the stipulations of there planning permission.

It mentions that after 11:30 or so they can still have music going, but it has to be quiet enough that a distance of 2km, it cant be any louder than 40db outside, (which is the same as a library or birds chirping) which as we know it was a lot louder than that indoors.

Be interesting whether they or not they listen to the complaints - they haven't done for the last 9 or so years.

Alex Flynn
👍 2

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 07:30

I totally agree Paul. I am just glad I don’t have to work today as the noise was unacceptable last night. And yes they don’t seem to care as if they did they wouldn’t do it! 

Paul Taylor
👍 4

Mon 5 Aug 2019, 06:32

Wilderness last year you were good with the noise levels on the Sunday this year you let your selfs down again seems you listen to the complaints from the local for one year then go back to you old ways. Thumping bass on a Sunday night going on till gone 2.00 Monday morning is Unacceptable you move in to the area and for a week seem to do as you please yes we have been over this before and the same people are for the festive and the ones that aren’t agree there’s no problem with people having fun but 2.00 on a Monday is not a joke. Why don’t you just shut down at 11.30 or have loud music earlier as you have said you would do. Don’t promise one thing and then do as you please.

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