Lost Parrot.

Susie Burnett

Mon 27 May 2019, 23:20

We enjoyed having him, although very relieved you got him down out of the tree and home safely. He’s certainly the most unusual visitor we’ve had to our garden! 

Cheryl Hanrahan
👍 1

Mon 27 May 2019, 23:15

The idiot is home at last. Enormous thanks to everyone who helped today and apologies to those disturbed by our high pitched squealing this evening, me extolling the virtues of cheese (his favourite food) and him because it was past his bedtime. 

Cheryl Hanrahan

Mon 27 May 2019, 13:06

Floyd got spooked this morning by things known only to him and he flew out of our cottage that he reluctantly shares with me on Hixet Wood. Floyd is green in colour and therefore is blending in extraordinarily well with his new surroundings in the area. I've heard him shouting "Come back" but haven't located which tree the idiot is in. Floyd doesn't have all of his flight feathers, nor any brains either. Previous owners, who no doubt despaired of his volatile nature, clipped his wings. Flying doesn't come naturally to him, he only does it when frightened. I'm hoping he may, in despair, engage his two remaining brain cells and fly home to the garden he recognises but in the meantime if anybody hears or sees him can they please let me know?

Stable Cottage, Hixet Wood. 07720385538

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