Djembe drumming group

Jennie Grierson

Wed 29 May 2019, 19:51

Charlbury Primary School were kindly donated a set of over 15 drums a couple of years ago, it sounds like they might possibly be the same set of drums. A few are djembe drums but the majority are more like sabar drums.  You will be pleased to know that they are regularly used by the children at the school in their music lessons! 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 1

Sun 26 May 2019, 14:10

The search uses some third-party code which is a bit flakey. I haven’t nailed down yet what’s causing it to do that (fixing bugs in other people’s code is always challenging!). Let me know when it stops working – I can’t fix it if I don’t know about it. :)

Christine Battersby

Sun 26 May 2019, 13:47

As the Search button only works for me on an intermittent basis, I am posting here the most relevant post which was from Nikki Jackson on 1 June 2013. 

This ended <<These drums need storage within Charlbury Community by the end of June, otherwise they will need to be donated to another community/Town to use instead. Please let me know if you can help keep them in this community.>>

There were a few later posts with suggestions which did not work out. But, as far as I can see, no solution was forthcoming & I assume the drums were homed outside Charlbury. So my suggestion remains to contact Nikki Jackson of Yoga Focus about what happened to the drums after that date.

PS I can't fathom what is going on with the <Search> button. Since migrating to the new website it works for a few days & then reverts to the message <Incomplete Response Received>. I know others are also having the same problem.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sun 26 May 2019, 13:02

If I enter the word 'drums' in the search window top right of this screen, I get quite a bit of information. 

Christine Battersby

Sat 25 May 2019, 14:18 (last edited on Sat 25 May 2019, 14:20)

I suggest you contact Nikki Jackson of Yoga Focus. Back in 2012 I had a long email exchange about the drums with Nikki & several other people in various parts of the UK (including Yorkshire & Glasgow).

After the various people associated with the drumming group moved away from Charlbury, the drums went into storage in The Friends' Meeting house and then on to the Shed Theatre where they were stored for 5 years in less than ideal conditions. In 2012 the drums then went into Nikki's garage for safekeeping, although legally still belonging to Charlbury.  At the conclusion of my email exchange with Nikki, she said that she would be offering drum workshops again to community groups and primary schools.

However, I seem to recall the the drums were in very poor condition & needed repairs that couldn't be afforded, and I also seem to remember that the drums were subsequently passed over to a different community group which had the expertise to repair them. But my email exchanges do not go beyond 2012 & my search button no longer works on this website, so I can't be sure what happened to the drums after 2012. 

Denise Whichello

Sat 25 May 2019, 09:10

Does anyone know what happened to the djembe drumming circle. They used to meet in the Friends Meeting House. Also where are the drums as the Town Council provided the money? I would love to get group going again as I think the nearest group is in Oxford. 

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