Speaking entirely personally...

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Fri 24 May 2019, 18:59

Yes, congratulations to Richard.

I should like to thank Peter Kenrick for his time as Chairman.

Paul Taylor

Fri 24 May 2019, 18:20

Thanks for sorting out the pot holes 5 ways so quickly perhaps you  can move on to Brexit now

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 24 May 2019, 12:44

Congratulations Richard x

stephen cavell

Fri 24 May 2019, 07:01

Congratulations Richard. Talking about pizzas, when living in Africa we used to like topping off our pizzas with termites fried in chilli powder. Our version of 'pizza diable' - scrumptious.

Miles Walkden
👍 1

Thu 23 May 2019, 20:22

Safe hands!

Jenny Chambers
👍 1

Thu 23 May 2019, 19:41

I do feel a warm glow of pleased-ness! Thank you for keeping your head above the parapet Richard!

Jim Holah
👍 3

Thu 23 May 2019, 18:40

Congratulations Richard

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 8

Thu 23 May 2019, 17:42

The Town Council was kind (foolish?) enough to elect me as chair at yesterday’s meeting.

For the avoidance of doubt, I should clarify that anything I write here – on the forum, in the news pages, or wherever – continues to be my personal opinion only and, unless stated otherwise, definitely not any official opinion of the Town Council.

So, for example, if I post that pineapple on pizza is the work of the devil, that doesn’t mean that the Town Council is planning to outlaw pineapple on pizza. Or if I say I think Charlbury might be a bit better if we all walked and cycled more, that doesn’t mean everyone’s cars are going to be wheelclamped and the streets closed to motor traffic. All this should be fairly obvious but you know what the rumour mill is like...!

Slightly scarily, I’ve been running the Charlbury website for almost 17 years now – charlbury.info first came online in September 2002 – and will hopefully continue long after someone else has taken over as Town Council chair.

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