Car Damage again !

Paul Taylor
👍 1

Wed 15 May 2019, 16:33

There is a small car that parks outside what used to be News and Thing quite often on the double yellows and that forces cars to mount the foot path on the other side which causes damage to there wheels as it’s very tight there. 

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Sat 11 May 2019, 12:52

Those who know me, and many do, will know that my reference to a vigilante group was "tongue in cheek".  It was not a "suggestion".

Not sure about the "lack of resources".  Have been pleased to observe the work done by the OCC filling potholes and, most recently, responding with alacrity, to the removal of the metal drain covers along Grammar School Hill.  I seem to recall that the Lib Dems were the prime movers behind the OCC initiative so many thanks to them.

I suspect that it's more a matter of prioritising resources, although I accept that budgets have been cut.

I look forward to hearing the outcome of the Parking Consultation, and am cheered to read in the TC Minutes that the parking in the Spendlove Car Park will be considered.

Anyway, perhaps I've gone off message!  At least "the Market Street Tyre Slasher" seems to have gone, or given up.

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Sat 11 May 2019, 08:41

Maybe you can install CCTV Tim. There are cheap ones on the internet.

Tim at Cotswold Frames
👍 1

Fri 10 May 2019, 19:42

Yes Gary dash cam front on back are being looked at as I type 

Gary Walker.
👍 1

Fri 10 May 2019, 18:58

Dashcams front & rear Tim..... mine is running 24/7 for that very eventuality.

Make sure they're good enough for night time quality too.

Phil Morgan

Fri 10 May 2019, 17:28

Tim and Hannen, you are both understandably angry. It is true that parking in the town centre is increasingly difficult and that this is not going to change. 

There is an inevitability about this - narrow streets which cannot be altered and a growing population who will choose to use cars for access. There will always be the drunk or malicious few who do damage and the stupid or careless few who park badly.

The "authorities" cannot police either of these. The TC, the WODC nor the OCC have the resources to "police"anything. 

The suggestion of vigilante action is unacceptable.

Hannen Beith

Fri 10 May 2019, 16:08

I sympathise Tim.

In relation to vehicles, Charlbury seems to be a lawless place.  I've had scratches, wing mirrors knocked off, and number plates stolen.

As you say, it all adds up.

I also regularly see vehicles parked on double yellows, and on the edges of roads, obstructing sightlines, and blocking roads - e.g. Sheep Street.  Sightlines particularly bad at both ends of Woodfield Drive, where 4 x 4 s seem to think it's appropriate to park.   

I've twice in the last 6 weeks had to shop in Chippy because I couldn't park in Charlbury.  Selfish parking.  Yesterday I had to reverse down Park Street twice (about 40 minutes apart) because drivers ignore the Give Way.  Time for traffic lights there?  Just a few minutes ago I had to reverse up Sheep Street because (again) a van couldn't get through.

Is there no way the "authorities" (whoever they may be) can police the Town anymore?  Or will we have to resort to a vigilante group?

Incredible.  I cannot measure the commercial damage to the Town's shops, but I'm getting fed up with being told that "we" should support "our" local shops, when it's impossible to park anywhere near them.  

Tim at Cotswold Frames
👍 5

Fri 10 May 2019, 12:28 (last edited on Fri 10 May 2019, 16:12)

To the person who is trying to build their very own Mini please could you stop stealing bits off ours.

It is getting very annoying and costly to replace the bits you have taken or broken whilst you’re trying to steal them !

It seems that no matter where we park it in Charlbury be it Market St, Sheep St, Browns lane (we don’t have the luxury of off street parking) our Mini seems to be targeted over the last couple of years.

If you require front grills etc then please get in contact with a Mini dealership directly they will be sure to be able to help you along with any other parts that you may require.

If anyone has any information on this low life ( we do have other words to describe this person )

Who for some reason feels that it’s ok to steal and damage other people’s property then please do get in contact me and pass any info you may have so that we can forward it to  the police.

Or should this person suddenly feel overcome with guilt then please do feel free to pop into my shop and settle up for all the expense you have caused us, that would be the most sensible option as should the other half catch you in the act stealing from her beloved Mini then all I can say is God help you I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes !

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