What might a sustainable food system look like?

Mark Luntley

Fri 19 Apr 2019, 16:13 (last edited on Fri 19 Apr 2019, 16:15)

A couple of updates on this subject.

1. We have produced a summary of the evening for those who could not be there, and the speaker; Tom Carman has shared his slides. You can find them both at https://www.sustainablecharlbury.org/blog/

2. I wanted to give a big "thank you" to the team at the Bell Inn. They supported the event by providing their meeting room free of charge for the evening. We really were grateful for the help.

3. Thanks also for the input from friends at the Charlbury Green Hub and the Kitchen Garden People and the others who shared their expertise in the evening.

4. We are developing a programme of other talks - one suggestion has been a panel discussion on a similar issue bringing together producers, intermediates and perhaps a retailer. But we are really interested to hear other ideas of possible talks - suggestions definitely welcomed.  

Helen Holwill

Sat 13 Apr 2019, 08:51

I missed the talk but would be interested in any related follow-up info. Will look up the TED talk.

Kim Sale
👍 1

Fri 12 Apr 2019, 21:13

Thank you for organizing the talk last night. I went away and have watched the TED talk on Incredible Edible (twice). Wow! Worth a watch folk, it's inspirational!

Mark Luntley

Wed 10 Apr 2019, 23:43

Hi Liz (Leffman) I'll make sure I get a copy of Tom's presentation. We'll probably upload it to Suscha - and if we can't - I'll send you a copy.

Liz Reason
👍 1

Wed 10 Apr 2019, 08:44

Look at www.sustainablecharlbury.org and see what else we're up to!

Liz Leffman

Tue 9 Apr 2019, 17:17 (last edited on Tue 9 Apr 2019, 17:18)

I am sorry that I won't be able to be there on Thursday, but I would be interested to know what is discussed and what people are most interested in, if there is some way of capturing it.

Tim Crisp

Tue 9 Apr 2019, 15:52 (last edited on Tue 9 Apr 2019, 15:53)

A report by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) last year said that a radical transformation of the global food system is required in order to provide a healthy, affordable, and environmentally friendly diet for all people. According to academics from across the world, the current system is broken, leaving billions of people either underfed or overweight and driving the planet towards climate catastrophe.

If you would like to understand more about this issue and its impacts and get involved in discussions about alternatives please do come to the talk on Thursday by Tom Carman at The Bell Inn.

Mark Luntley
👍 1

Tue 26 Mar 2019, 16:42 (last edited on Tue 26 Mar 2019, 16:43)

Yes its definitely hard to grow bananas in the UK, and if you ever did the cost would probably be prohibitive. But bananas are an interesting example of how produce sold on UK shelves can have different ethical standards. Its certainly not perfect - but ethical consumer has a rating of bananas on sale here 


On a separate note we've set up an eventbrite page for the event so you can book a seat ahead of time. Of course you absolutely don't have to book, but if you are able to let us know if you would like to come it makes it a bit easier for us to plan seats etc. 


Simon Himmens-Warrick
👍 1

Mon 25 Mar 2019, 20:20

Yesterday's Countryfile was interesting. Lots of local Oxfordshire foodie stuff.

Is it better to buy local vs buy overseas organic products? 

vicky burton

Mon 25 Mar 2019, 20:09

Is it financially viable to grow bananas and the like within the UK. 

Mark Luntley

Mon 25 Mar 2019, 15:56

That's an interesting point Jenny. I was speaking with a neighbour who was making the point about food and inequality in the UK. Some people eat very well, but too many have much less access to healthy food - and that this was an issue we should also take account of. Not sure what others' views are.

Jenny Chambers

Sat 23 Mar 2019, 07:12

Water, and the wisest use of this finite resource. But I'm very interested in hearing other perspectives on sustainable food production generally. Thanks to Sustainable Charlbury for putting this talk on.

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Fri 22 Mar 2019, 21:29

Vegan vs Vegetarian vs Omnivore vs Organic etc. What are the relative impacts? 

Mark Luntley
👍 1

Fri 22 Mar 2019, 15:32 (last edited on Fri 22 Mar 2019, 15:36)

Sustainable Charlbury are organising an event on 11th April at the Bell Inn about sustainable food and agriculture. Tom Carman; Chair of Cultivate Oxford has agreed to lead the talk.

In advance of that it would be good to know what people would most want the talk to cover. I'm asking via the forum so we can plan the talk. 

So are there specific food issues you would like us to explore ? 

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