Dog walkers

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Tue 19 Mar 2019, 09:40

Tim Crisp. I could not agree with you more.

Gareth Davies
👍 2

Mon 18 Mar 2019, 21:12

I won't edit my last post I'm glad you had a laugh Helen my wife laughs at me all the time like the time I tried to teach predictive text Latin. I no longer use normal social media .........

Helen Wilkinson
👍 2

Mon 18 Mar 2019, 19:19


I know it’s a typo, and what you meant to type, but you have just given me the best laugh in ages - please don’t edit it.

How did you select the two grades of wife to protect your chickens?

Gareth Davies
👍 2

Mon 18 Mar 2019, 18:49

I haven't seen the forum over the weekend and was surprised the post hadn't slipped off the bottom of the page so thank you to everyone for reading and responding. This post was about responsible dog ownership as they do a much wider range of damage to wildlife in general than cats. Cat's don't knock off orchid  flowers, if they don't go to seed they don't grow back but I do agree there needs to be more responsibility by let owners in general. 

As to foxes and chickens well I only know of two creatures that get 'blood lust' and that's humans and vampires. Blood lust is a human term for something we don't understand foxes will kill all the chickens in a hen house out of fear and panic trying to silence an alarm. Human burglars are far worse. I have seen what a Fox can do my fami!y kept chickens for long time and we 'always' secured them in a hen house 'every' night without fail. The second thing we did was to use two grades of wife at least four foot high and the last thing we did was to dig down inside the chicken run. We found if you extend the chicken wire down to a depth of one foot under the run and double it then put the soil back you don't lose 'any' chickens at all. I was taught that if you keep an animal then you take responsibility for it, like my father trying to breed rabbits and then finding out they all dug their own way out in the night. It was funny though like watching clips of cats on leads on the internet it keeps the owners under control and gives the rest of us a laugh. Thanks for reading.

Stephen Andrews
👍 5

Sat 16 Mar 2019, 09:09 (last edited on Sat 16 Mar 2019, 09:11)

Good idea, Tim. Here is the RSPB's advice to stop cats killing birds:

Put a bell on your cat's (quick-release) collar. Keep your cat indoors when birds are most vulnerable: at least an hour before sunset and an hour after sunrise, especially during March-July and December-January, and also after bad weather, such as rain or a cold spell, to allow birds to come out and feed. Consider having cats neutered to prevent them wandering and producing unwanted kittens.

Tim Crisp
👍 5

Sat 16 Mar 2019, 08:49

Shall we ask the same of cat owners too?

Diana Limburg
👍 5

Sat 16 Mar 2019, 08:11

I believe this thread was about responsible dog ownership, not foxes. The point is that dog owners should keep their dogs under close control and not allow them to disturb or kill wildlife. 

Lesley Algar
👍 2

Fri 15 Mar 2019, 18:40

We  are all entitled to our opinions. Foxes are wild aninals, and will eat chickens, small birds,mice etc. Maybe you should read the link below.

Some hunan beings are blood lusting too. The hunting and killing of stags, hares, foxes ripped apart for pleasure. We know better. The fox kills because it is hungry.

Phil Morgan
👍 1

Fri 15 Mar 2019, 12:24

I must agree with John. As a farmer's son, I too have seen the destruction of a whole coop with only one hen taken away. The fox seems to go into a frenzy which you can only describe as "blood lust". The poor owner is left to dispatch the injured birds the following morning.

Lesley Algar
👍 1

Fri 15 Mar 2019, 11:54

Foxes do not kill chickens for fun. They kill all of and then bury them for later. Similar to you stocking up your freezer. Only human beings kill animals for fun.

john h
👍 1

Fri 15 Mar 2019, 11:05

Gareth  You have obviously not seen the carnage a fox will cause in a chicken run. They may kill for food, but will slaughter every bird there, just for fun!!. I have witnessed this.   JH

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)
👍 1

Fri 15 Mar 2019, 08:23

Couldn't agree more. 

Gareth Davies
👍 4

Thu 7 Mar 2019, 18:07

I am a dog walker and enjoy the beautiful countryside we are so fortunate to have and enjoy going out as much as possible as I know many do. I know I don't have Voice control over my dog so I don't let him off the lead not just because I worry about his safety but also because it's against the wildlife and countryside laws. I know there are many other responsible for walkers in Charlbury who either have Voice control of as I do don't let them off.

Last year I was unlucky enough to witness what uncontrolled dogs do off the lead like maul baby deer, I even witnessed a couple of rabbits running around and around in circles in agonizing pain because a dog had caught them and shook them so violently they ripped the skin clean from their backs. Foxes and badger's hunt for food not pleasure anything they attack they kill and eat not just leave lying around after its been played with.

All of the female deer badgers foxes and rabbits are heavily pregnant and will be giving birth in the coming weeks so if you can't control your dog keep it on a lead. It is illegal to let your dog chase wildlife it is illegal to let your dog to through boundary lines into private property chasing wildlife and you can be prosecuted and your dog put down if required. We will also be having ground nesting birds both our own and migratory species arriving over the coming weeks and it is illegal to allow your dog to disturb these as well. 

After last year I will photograph and film any dog and owner who I see breaking these laws and pass them on to the local police and rspca and I hope other responsible dog walkers and indeed those who just enjoy walking in our lovely countryside to do the same. I would advise you don't approach these people as they generally get as aggressive as their dogs do.Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

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