
Don Kelly

Fri 7 Mar 2008, 10:02

I saw a lovely old Ford Public (Made out of spare parts of old corsairs)the other day idling outside the bell, I waved at the elderly lady driver and she smiled, Which was nice.

Igor Goldkind

Thu 6 Mar 2008, 10:32

I see I'm not the only one to lament the belligerence of motorists in both the centre and ramparts of Charlbury. While across the country, local and county councils are responding to calls by NHS and DoT bodies to encourage local safe walking and cycling campaigns as alternatives to our unhealthy and uneconomic dependence on the combustion engine, Charlbury sometimes appears to be geared soley for motorists at the expense of any of the available alternatives.

Who can afford to burn petrol standing in the middle of Charlbury?
Obviously, taxes aren't high enough . . .

Derek Collett

Wed 27 Feb 2008, 16:20

Hope you sold her a copy of the Highway Code Jon!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 27 Feb 2008, 16:09

What I want to know, Mark, is what the driver said when you delivered your earful? Probably, "I'm just waiting for my wife, she's in the bookshop." Groan.


Tue 26 Feb 2008, 11:31

Mark, I'd keep to the earful option, if the police can't turn up to an RTA in the centre of Chippy then you have no hope of them coming out to someone running there engine while stationary.
It's one thing that's it against the 'law', another that it is not kind to the enviroment (that old chesnut) but most importantly it just damn rude to do it.
But i agree with DC, take down the registrations and still report them.

Derek Collett

Mon 25 Feb 2008, 21:22

Rather than giving them an earful Mark, why not take their registrations and phone the police? The Highway Code states (and I quote): "If you have to park on the roadside you MUST switch off the engine." The word "MUST" is in red cpaital letters in the 2007 edition of the code, which means that the behaviour you are describing is against the law. Hope this helps!

Mark Purcell

Mon 25 Feb 2008, 17:00

Is anyone else irritated beyond words by people sitting in cars in the middle of Charlbury, with their engines running, making a horrible racket and pumping out fumes into the street? Today there have been four which have belched away for more than ten minutes outside my window. The fourth one will shortly get an earful. It's not so cold that anyone is going to freeze to death.

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