Beating of the Bounds

john h

Sun 16 Mar 2008, 12:56

if you send me your email address I have jusy come across a poem written about the beating of the bounds in 1924, if you have not seen this, then I will send a copy to you.

John H email


Wed 5 Mar 2008, 16:59

Hi my grandad was is the brother of the girl that died in the accident. He realy enjoyed the programme. Thankyou Susan!
I would love to get in touch with Susanvia email if possible?
If she or any one else can help? Would be great.

Julie Negus

Tue 12 Feb 2008, 13:50

Just listened to the programme. It's so interesting how your information has come about.
My granny would have been 10 in 1924 and I remember when we were younger she spoke of the tragidy,although unwilling as it was something that had affected the whole community.
Hope the weather hold out for this year!!

Tony Graeme

Tue 12 Feb 2008, 11:45

Thanks for thse posts. I thought I had missed the programme but have been able to 'listen again'. Susan, you came over very well - 'posh voice' or not!
If anyone wants to join in this years walk, the date is 27 April (Rogation Sunday). We wont be beating any markers with willow wands or up-ending chiorboys but I can garuantee a good walk. Statistically the weather should be on our side - we can't surely have three wet years in a row.
Tony (Walk Leader)

Tony Graeme

Tue 12 Feb 2008, 11:45

Thanks for thse posts. I thought I had missed the programme but have been able to 'listen again'. Susan, you came over very well - 'posh voice' or not!
If anyone wants to join in this years walk, the date is 27 April (Rogation Sunday). We wont be beating any markers with willow wands or up-ending chiorboys but I can garuantee a good walk. Statistically the weather should be on our side - we can't surely have three wet years in a row.
Tony (Walk Leader)

susan leckie

Mon 11 Feb 2008, 16:49

I hope you enjoy the programme, Julie.
I covered my ears at the points were I was speaking but my Mum said I was fine, no bias!, and that I had used my posh voice.

john h

Mon 11 Feb 2008, 16:00

Julie should have said it is a program called digging up your roots at 11.05 on Sunday

john h

Mon 11 Feb 2008, 15:56

Julie, BBC Radio Scotland

Julie Negus

Mon 11 Feb 2008, 15:12

Bbc have a listen again.
Do you know what program it was on. In order that I can try and hear it. Thanks

susan leckie

Mon 11 Feb 2008, 10:56

I'm pleased you were able to listen to the programme - the broadcast date had been changed from January 27th to February 10th so you probably heard it about the same time I did!
I was delighted that my finding the photo of the funeral and the Daily Sketch page,in the gallery of the Charlbury site, were included in the programme as they were what sparked my interest and started me on my 'Beating of the Bounds' information hunt.
Thank you to everyone responsible for ''.
Best wishes,

john h

Sun 10 Feb 2008, 22:24

Susan, eventually listened to Radio Scotland today interesting bit of local history in sound, amazing what you can dig up on the information super highway.have it on cd if anyone is interested.

John H

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