Big Bang Fireworks

stephen cavell

Sun 20 Jan 2019, 09:30

I seem to have missed out on both those Bangs-maybe I did not have my hearing aids in at the time.

Simon Hogg

Sat 19 Jan 2019, 17:15

Distance is relative, if you are closer, it is louder. The soundwave from the Krakatoa eruption cracked 1' thick concrete 100 miles away and was heard 3,500 miles away.

Hannen Beith

Sat 19 Jan 2019, 16:59

Completely agree Phil. In fact I have written to our MP to demand an immediate meeting of COBRA. These acts of terror must not be allowed to go unchecked.

Phil Morgan

Sat 19 Jan 2019, 14:47

Yes indeed Hannen. Hyperbole is a tool for making your point. You are not averse to using it yourself on this site.
Back to the topic: big bangs are, literally "explosions" and, literally, they do create "terror" in animals.

Hannen Beith

Sat 19 Jan 2019, 12:52 (last edited on Sat 19 Jan 2019, 13:56)

I appreciate your point of view Phil, but I think referring to "terror" (affecting all animals in the town) and "explosions", if we have indeed simply heard fireworks, is hyperbole.

Phil Morgan

Sat 19 Jan 2019, 12:17

Like your comments guys.Specially the baked beans theory.
Nevertheless, let's not ignore the serious point: creating unexpected explosions in a built-up area is an anti-social act. I hope those responsible have got the message.

john h

Sat 19 Jan 2019, 11:08

May have been Chris!!!

Hannen Beith

Sat 19 Jan 2019, 11:07

Did I just hear some more bangs? Or was it my ears popping?

Chris Wastie

Sat 19 Jan 2019, 09:39

Are you sure it wasn`t you john h eating all them baked beans

Simon Hogg

Fri 18 Jan 2019, 22:50

Phil, is this a regular occurrence from the same area?

john h

Thu 17 Jan 2019, 23:02

My poor dog included, now 11pm still shaking. Thanks!!!!!

Simon Hogg

Thu 17 Jan 2019, 19:01

Perhaps it's the start of a revolution ;-)

Phil Morgan

Thu 17 Jan 2019, 17:28

Who on earth set off those big bangs at 5.20pm tonight?
Do you not realise what terror this causes to the animals in this town?

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