Where IS the environmental movement in Charlbury?

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 18 Sep 2005, 17:48

This looks like a good idea (especially when the price of fuel rockets now we've reached "peak oil"): http://www.liftshare.co.uk

Use this, or grow our own page?

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 21 Aug 2005, 19:17

On the road where we used to live in Oxford, there was a tradition that had been going on for over a decade when we arrived there back in the late 90s - Green Balloon Day.

Here, once a year (or more) everyone would put out old, unwanted but still useable stuff on tables or whatever in front of their house, and the Victoria Roadents would wander up and down the street helping themselves to anything they think could be useful. It was a great institution, and a lot of useful stuff got recycled. Especially, it seemed, childrens' toys, which cascaded down the age ranges as each group moved on and out of their previous childish things. But adults found a lot too - books and media would cycle around the street (indeed we instituted a special media madness day for books, cd's LPs, videos/dvds and so forth due to the amount).

The kids learned the value of not throwing things away and developed a positive approach to re-using things rather than having to have everything "new", seeing it as a virtue to re-use rather than recycle. As far as we could tell it was doting grandparents' who injected the new stuff into the cycle ;)

And every year someone would host the cakes and tea on the drive or front garden, giving residents at least a once a year chance to meet up (and there were some other road group activities as well each year).

A very good idea we thought, when we moved in.

Does anything like this happen in roads in Charlbury? If anyone in, for example, The Green wanted to start a "Green Green Group" with a "Green Green Balloon Day" we could have a go here and see what happens.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 19 Aug 2005, 13:54

Which reminds me to ask - where and who or what is the "environmental movement" in Charlbury?

Bring on the green revolution, compost the wasters, eh. But seriously, where to get into contact with the network/conspiracy?

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