CRAG Collection

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 15 Jan 2019, 14:40

Thank you everyone for your response! We've got as much as we can cope with at the moment.

Laura Macy

Fri 11 Jan 2019, 16:33

Thanks Stephen, Not pedantic at all! My mistake. Yes, indeed it's a Bring and Buy! Sorry!

stephen cavell

Fri 11 Jan 2019, 10:32

Laura- not being pedantic but I note from Jon Carpenter's entry under Events that the Saturday event is 'Bring & Buy' NOT 'Bring and Take'

Laura Macy

Thu 10 Jan 2019, 18:50

I've posted a longer notice about this in the News section, and I won't repeat it all here. But in short: CRAG is having another collection of clothing and hygiene items, this one for Calais/Dunkirk. Please see the list in the News section. As always it's quite specific.

I know many people really went through their closets (attics, garages...) for our last collection, and thanks to that generosity we had a terrific result! But please do have a look at this list, since it's slightly different. Also, there's quite a list of hygiene items. When I did the St Mary's 'reverse Advent calendar' I found that an item (or two or three) added to each shopping for a short while didn't seem that bad, and added up to a nice donation. So next time you're queuing at the Co-op, have a browse at the toothbrushes and shampoo!

Finally, don't miss the Bring and Take this weekend, where you can also drop off anything for the Calais collection.

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