Charlbury Primary School Needs a School Crossing

Igor Goldkind

Wed 30 Jan 2008, 12:34

The recent speed check was a response to the numerous complaints from myself and other pedestrians as to the increasing number of persistent speeding drivers on The Slade as there was apparently, some scepticism as that being the case.

One of the reasons parents persist in driving their children to and from school is precisely because it is less than safe to allow your children to walk or cycle on their own without a school crossing, especially from the numerous afterschool acitivities and After School Club (who btw, also supports implementing a school crossing).

A school crossing will impose a legal right of way for pedestrians crossing at that juncture so that delivers are obligated to yield to the children crossing and the police can then enforce that right of way; something that is currently not the case except when the patrol person is present.

With a safe and legal the crossing, the less need there will be to taxi children to and from school.


Wed 30 Jan 2008, 11:43

As Hamish points out, there is already a chicane in place with the parents parking at the side of the road, also the ones that pull out with little regard for the drivers navigating the parked cars and then 'swing' into TP road to turn to go back towards Fiveways also cause congestion , frustration and a danger to everyone in that area.

Surely if the parents parked more responsible(by the Coop for example, or is the 300mtr walk to much?) and not on the hill then drivers would have a better view of the road and the lollipop lady and be able to feel more confident in navigating the road around the school.

As for speeding, i am all for making sure this is policed, the most recent 'speed-check' is a joke. Letting driver off after they have chatted to a Road Safety Officer !!! What a complete waste of time, instead I'd rather of seen the £1040 that would have been generated, put towards the scheme that Igor/Nick/The school are pushing for.

Hamish Nichol

Wed 30 Jan 2008, 10:26

I fully appreciate the biggest danger is the speed of the cars travelling along the road. However, the second problem has to be cars parking on the hill on the school side of the Slade to drop off their children. Although this certainly slows traffic (to a standstill in both directions sometimes!) the drivers become more focused on navigating around the cars than looking out for school children. The problem is particularly bad this time of year when the sun is low in the sky. Parking on the road near a brow of a hill is dangerous in any situation, but particularly where it will only distract driver's attention away from pedistrians trying to cross the road.

Good luck with the campaigning and please keep the forum informed of any progress.

Igor Goldkind

Wed 30 Jan 2008, 08:59

Could we then see the evidence that have made the so-called experts doubtful that a proper right of way crossing for pedestrians would not be effective in making the crossing safer?

There is currently a pedestrian school crossing AND a patrol person coming into Witney next to the petrol station. This has proved affective in deterring speeders coming into Witney. Why should having one automatically exclude the other when it comes to Charlbury?

To be clear: my and other parents efforts have simply been to try and find out how to apply for a school crossing and to convey the need for one to the responsible authorities. We haven't had the opportunity to consult with nor have been consulted by experts, nor been included in those discussions.

According to the police, the most effective means of deterring speeding drivers on The Slade is to have a clearly enforceable right of way on The Slade.

I tend to agree with those experts.

Nick Johnson

Tue 29 Jan 2008, 19:03

Igor Goldkind's news item last week "Charlbury Primary School Needs a School Crossing" needs a little elaboration.
1. The Head, Jane Holt has produced a first class travel plan which is a vital source of data for the planners who will ultimately have to take the decision.
2.Partly as a result of Jane's and Igor's separate efforts, meetings have been held with the Highways Authority and the Town Council. These are producing some action. In March,the Highways Authority have agreed to widen the hatching (white lines) between the Enstone road crossroads and the School which should have the effect of slowing traffic. My own view is that a proper chicane, like the one on the outskirts of Witney, would be more effective and we should continue to lobby for that.
3. The experts we have consulted about a pedestrian crossing opposite the School are doubtful whether this is the best approach. The crossing would be on the brow of the hill approaching from the Slade and I think it likely that if we had a crossing we would lose our lollipop lady.
All of us want to make the area around the school as safe as possible. The simple truth is that drivers go too fast along the road past the School and we must find a variety of ways of getting them to reduce speed. Cameras, mobile speed traps and chicanes may be better solutions than a crossing. By all means mobilise opinion on the issue but don't focus on a proposal which might not be the most effective one.

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