lost dog

Alison Cherry

Tue 18 Mar 2008, 17:48

The black Lab which you are referring to at Ranger's Lawn belongs to a resident who lives there and regularly walks his dogs in that area.

Laura Ludlow

Mon 17 Mar 2008, 22:11

Thanks for that. We have asked around the houses there but will recheck that the lab isn't a wanderer....

Katie R

Mon 17 Mar 2008, 16:53

Just to warn you that a black lab is owned by one of the residents at Rangers Lodge.

Laura Ludlow

Mon 17 Mar 2008, 15:31

There has been another sighting which corresponds to a sighting about 4 weeks ago (which we put down to being a muntjack). If you drive out of Charlbury B4437, past station and to top of hill (known as Rangers Lodge) go straight ahead towards Burford past the turning on the right to Chadlington, just after that the road goes down hill and kinks to the right....if you look left just there (there are five wires of electric fence with plastic handles on) a black labrador was seen in the middle of the field (which has a wood on one side and a green slope on the other) at 1.30pm yesterday. We sat and watched till it got dark last night the most amazing amount of bunnies, pheasants, muntjack and deer.....its like an oasis! I am going to contact Cornbury as its no where near a footpath. If anyone fancies a bit of time out - you can go gazing there (tuck your car in by the electric fence!). The lady said she saw it as she was driving and was convinced it was not a muntjack. As I say this is the second person who as called us about that specific field and there was one sighting about 1/4 mile towards Chadlington at the beginning of Feb as well.....WHO KNOWS but will see if the game keepers can make any sense of it....It would be the BEST easter egg getting her back!

Laura Ludlow

Sat 23 Feb 2008, 12:52

She actually came from Kent, via Brighton and then to London (just for a tiny period) so I don't think she has a very strong sense of home having been moved around so much....I am beginning to think that she has been moved out of the West Oxfordshire area or that she is just doing a very good job of hiding in the woods, or that she is dead (but the game keepers probably would have found her by now)! (there have been various sightings, but hard to get excited when we have not seen her ourselves!) its a waiting game now. Trying to get as much publicity as possible as it will be someone else who finds her...


Sat 23 Feb 2008, 12:03

hi this may sound silly but reading the paper it said that sia came from london now i know that you have had her awhile but you dont think shes trying to get back there it was only a thourght as sometimes animals do.

John Kearsey

Fri 22 Feb 2008, 12:59

We were driving through Swinbrook a couple of weeks ago and saw the black lab. It turned out to be a local dog that tends to wander. I can't remember its name but it had a multicoloured collar on.

Laura Ludlow

Thu 21 Feb 2008, 19:30

black lab seen twice in Swinbrook today - does anyone know someone there? Have called The Swan and asked them. Apparently it was on the green. Have tried posting on their website, but it isn't as user friendly as this one!! We were on at 1.15 this afternoon on BBC Radio Oxford. You can get to it via Sia's blog. www.doglost.co.uk/forum.asp?ID=12133 COME ON SIA, YOU HAVE TO COME BACK NOW!

becky landale

Thu 21 Feb 2008, 17:32

really good luck on finding her..
i will definately keep my eye out for her.


Wed 20 Feb 2008, 17:42

there is a very big piece in the paper today with a lovely photo of her.i still keep looking when i go up and down the main road as i live in finstock.

Cathryn Taylor

Wed 20 Feb 2008, 17:20

It is in the Witney Gazette this week

Laura Ludlow

Wed 20 Feb 2008, 07:25

Wondered why if she had got that close to home why she hadn't managed to get to Hixet Wood! Thank you! Am on BBC Radio Oxford tomorrow in the afternoon and hoping (fingers VERY much crossed) that we get a slot in the Witney Gazette as well....Keep searching, I think someone has taken her in.....just need to find that person!

john h

Tue 19 Feb 2008, 22:52

Laura. Lab seen in Hughes Close could have been mine we live there, there is also a male lab living in the Close, sorry still keeping an eye out.

Laura Ludlow

Mon 18 Feb 2008, 22:06

Apparently there was a black labrador in Hughes (sp) Close (?) yesterday. Does anyone live there? Did you see it? Have only just been told....have been in Wilcot all week trying to coax out a labrador that was seen by one of the game keepers in a derelict barn....so in the past 6 days she could have managed to get to Charlbury! PLEASE keep your eyes peeled in case it is her!

Laura Ludlow

Sat 9 Feb 2008, 10:03

Thanks Susie. I spoke with David last week, but no joy as yet... Will retackle on Monday. If anyone drives vans, trucks or taxi's please let me know - I am more than happy to make you an A3 laminated poster you can put on the back of the van (apparently double sided sticky tape will not hurt the paintwork!). House & Carriage (based down at industrial estate by station) have got them on the back of their vans now.....Sia will also be in the Postal Advertiser next month for as many areas as possible....

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 8 Feb 2008, 21:47

Laura - I do hope you find Sia soon. William Crossley (who enters items onto the commuter blog) works for Oxford Mail, so perhaps William you could do a piece on the missing dog for Laura. And David Horne also works for the Oxford Mail. He should be in the phone book. His email address is witney@nqo.com. Oxford Times is nqonews@nqo.com Hope this helps. Susie

Laura Ludlow

Fri 8 Feb 2008, 13:08


There is a new much better photo of Sia on the dog lost website. Please take a moment to refresh your memory.

We have been recommended to ask as many people as possible to click on the link above and print off a poster of Sia. Can you PLEASE put it in your rear window of your car. Sia is quite probably being "looked after" by someone and I need to get her back. The more people who do this, the more people will get to know about Sia.

SOMEONE knows where she is, what has happened to her......we just need to find that someone! Have been battling to get her into the Oxford Mail and Witney Gazette, but may have more luck next week.....if anyone has any bright ideas or contacts in the press etc I would really appreciate any help......(sorry for the desperate, begging post!).

Laura Ludlow

Fri 1 Feb 2008, 16:04

Hi. There was a labrador with a brown collar (oldish) seen on the green (opposite co-op) yesterday = I only just got called about it. No one handed it in to the vets - just wondered if anyone had seen it or could identify it as their dog....

Laura Ludlow

Wed 30 Jan 2008, 09:17

we put a massive A1 size one where the labrador was sitting on the verge, but that is a great idea. Thank you.

Cathryn Taylor

Wed 30 Jan 2008, 07:24

Have you put signs along the road (like the ones advertising a fete). Maybe the driver comes past regularly

Laura Ludlow

Tue 29 Jan 2008, 23:03

Thank you for letting me know. We are pretty sure that she was probably picked up in a vehicle on the B4022 road to Witney as someone saw a labrador a couple of hours after we lost her sitting on the grass verge where you turn down to Southills Business Centre. We are doing what we can to make people aware, but we have no idea which direction she went in, so it is like looking for a needle in a hay stack....

john h

Mon 28 Jan 2008, 19:11

would have been my black lab last tues in the field behind the priory,

Laura Ludlow

Fri 25 Jan 2008, 18:22

Ok. I drove up the "private road" today (just before the field) and noticed alot more ponies and fields nad bushes and dog hide outs round the back - any ideas who the ponies and fields belong to as would like to be able to do a really thorough search but don't want to upset anyone by being on their land? Also went to the Old Rectory and asked them, they are keeping eyes peeled. The house beyond that at the end of the driveway, gravelled bit,just below the church may be a possibility - does anyone know the gardener of it (it has fabulous well kept gardens)....also can anyone who lives over that side and may have shelter and sheds please check them - also if your dustbins are being raided (she is a labrador and loves her food)can you keep an eye out (I doubt she can get a wheelie bin over, but you just never know). Trying not to get excited. Just got everything crossed. Its been too long and we all miss her terribly....

Andrew Partridge

Fri 25 Jan 2008, 17:32

Yes - that was exactly it - and from the pic I would say it was her.

Laura Ludlow

Thu 24 Jan 2008, 17:24

hi Andrew. Thanks for your post. Was it in the horse field (sometimes there are horses, sometimes not)?, the first filed on the right hand side before the Cornbury driveway? It could have been her, she may be trying to make her way to the industrial park behind the station as that she normally goes there in the day time with the boys.....we will check.....thank you....

Andrew Partridge

Thu 24 Jan 2008, 01:47

Saw a balck lab in the fields to the right as you come out of Charlbury along Park Street on Tuesday mid morning. If it was the one in question it seemed to be in good health and was happily going about its business. Sorry it only just occured to me that that might be the missing animal - if I see it again I will call.

Laura Ludlow

Wed 23 Jan 2008, 10:10

A huge thank you to everyone in Charlbury who has called me/came on the walk on Sunday or called in when they have spotted a labrador where it shouldn't be! I know that none of these have been Sia, but it is just GREAT that people are still thinking of her....
Sia is still missing. A lady called on Sunday night to say she had just seen a poster and had seen a labrador on the grass verge just after finstock station where you can turn down to Southills Business park and the Cornbury fisheries between 10.30-11.30 on Tuesday 15th (the day we lost her). We believe that someone may have picked her up in a vehicle and moved her out of the area. If you want to follow any developments please look at
I cannot recommend doglost.co.uk enough for the support and also for a centralised website for all dog carers, wardens, vets and shelters to log in to to search for dogs. Microchipping is a good idea (Sia is chipped) - but to the person on the street, a microchip means nothing. You need to get your dogs ear tatooed as well (I wish I had known this before). There are details of how to do it on the doglost website. Our other lab is booked in for an ear tatoo ..... PLEASE keep searching chances are she is living with another family so if you know of anyone or hear of anyone that has aquired and new middle aged labrador.....


Mon 21 Jan 2008, 13:44

hi laura how did it go yesterday any luck.

Laura Ludlow

Sat 19 Jan 2008, 23:32

The dog spotted wasnt Sia. There was another dog on the loose that was reunited with its owner having been seen on the same spot of the road. SO gutted. Yes, the walk starting at The Crown Finstock at 11am is still happening on Sunday. Please wear wet weather gear as it is very muddy and bring a bottle of water. We will split people into groups and cover the woods at the back of Cornbury......fingers crossed.


Sat 19 Jan 2008, 19:14

ok we will still keeo a look out there is a serch party meeting at the crown tomrrow at 11am to go to cornbury to see if we can find her.good lucj.

Laura Ludlow

Sat 19 Jan 2008, 00:12

I got a call at 7.20pm by someone who was diving back to Finstock via Bridewell and saw a Labrador by the walled gardens (it is out the back of Finstock, heading towrds North Leigh). By the time he had pulled over his car, the dog had vanished. We looked for about 2 hrs but couldn't find her. Had a drink at the Plough in Finstock when a man said that he had JUST seen a labrador at the gates of Wilcote House (just up the lane from The Plough) and he had tried to coax it over and it had run up the drive. We went up the drive, caught a dogs eyes in headlights (definitely a lab) and it scarpered before we could see if it was Sia or not. ... not getting too excited because the owner of Wilcote House has a labrador.... Also knocked on a couple of doors and another lady had seen a labrador on a road that leads up to Fawler yesterday....so we are going to poster the area in the morning.....we met Steve one of the game keepers who works over that side and he was amazingly helpful and is keeping an eye open until we get back tomorrow! At least the posters are working...people definitely have Sia on their minds!


Fri 18 Jan 2008, 17:52

laura any news on sia yet.

Laura Ludlow

Thu 17 Jan 2008, 14:59

Sia is a black labrador bitch, eight years old, medium build, fit (for her age!) with arthritis in her front paws (they look a funny shape) she was wearing a brown leather collar with a tag on when she got lost and is also microchipped. She was last seen at the Finstock end of Cornbury Park and took off after a muntjac into some woods and has not been seen since. There are pictures of her in News and things, all the pubs and the post office, school, nursery to name but a few places that have been terribly kind and put the posters up....


Thu 17 Jan 2008, 12:43

its a black labrdor

Tim crisp

Thu 17 Jan 2008, 12:23

I have not seen the posters and am not sure which type of dog is lost, but I did meet someone near Wychwood Paddocks on Wednesday who was holding a golden labrador that was lost. As I was dog walking at the time she asked if I knew the dog, which I didn't, and she headed off in the direction of the Coop. I don't know anymore than that I'm afraid.

Laura Ludlow

Thu 17 Jan 2008, 11:25

No, there is no good news yet. Have been greatly encouraged by dog owners in Charlbury and Finstock telling me that their dogs have vanished for up to five days.....and been foung hungry and dirty...but we are feeling very sad. Had two terriers up there first thing searching (using her scent), but no joy. Thank you for everyones support - it has been really heartwarming and I will let you know if and when we find her.


Thu 17 Jan 2008, 11:13

does anyone know if laura has found her dog that went missing yesterday we've got posters up at school.i have a black lab and i know what good company they are.it was talked about at school yesterday so it would be nice to know if she has found her.

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