Road repairs

Rosemary Bennett

Wed 10 Oct 2018, 10:28

.....and thanks from me too, Liz.

Hannen Beith

Mon 8 Oct 2018, 10:51

Well done Liz, and "thank you".

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Mon 8 Oct 2018, 10:17 (last edited on Mon 8 Oct 2018, 10:29)

Even a bigger Yay
Pete and his team are back finishing off the gaping hole (just a joke lads ) left outside the corner house this morning.
Pete popped in to my shop this morning just to let me know that the comments on this forum do get read by the "powers that be " and are passed on to his team and he explained that sometimes the depth of holes can be deeper here and there, so supplying enough tarmac doesn't always go to plan, but they have now just finished the hole and gone onto their next job.
well done lads (nice to see a happy team with great banter ) and hope to see you soon to finish the rest of Charlbury.

Liz Leffman

Sun 7 Oct 2018, 19:30 (last edited on Sun 7 Oct 2018, 19:33)

I am glad that people are so pleased with the recent road works. I will let officers know. They have used a new machine to do them which is more efficient and seals the tarmac so hopefully these repairs will be more permanent than previous ones. The reason this has been done is of course thanks to the persistence of residents in making their views known, but also because the Lib Dem grooup on the County Council have argued for bringing £10 million forward into this year's budget for repairs. This idea was turned down by the administration in February, but last month they decided to do go ahead and do it, and also to borrow £120 million over the next five years for infrastructure, the majority of which will go on road repairs. You should see a lot more work done as a result. Sheep Street is the next on the list. The reason this wasn't done this time is because it needs more than patching and I am assured it is on the list to be done later this financial year, as is Park Street.

Kim Sale

Sun 7 Oct 2018, 19:15

The highway agency have been out on force in the Ditchley road this past week. Finally it has been resurfaced and is pothole free!

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 5 Oct 2018, 18:13

Many thanks to the residents in Pooles Lane who have repeatedly contacted the Highways Department with regard to the (previous) poor state of the road. You know who you are! I think that a combination of factors went into the decision to finally properly repair the damage in Pooles Lane and Dancers Hill. Making contact with the Highways Department and also speaking directly to the team working on the roads seems to have brought about a higher level of 'joined-up thinking' and a better result than what we are normally accustomed to. So many thanks to everyone involved in this very long and convoluted process.

Rachael Gibbon

Fri 5 Oct 2018, 14:06

Hopefully the threat of loose chippings to precious cars on Hixet Wood will be a stronger deterrent than 'possibly-killing-someone' in encouraging Charlburian roadsters to drive at safer speeds. Does anyone know whether there are any plans to repair pavements? Some, particularly Market Street and parts of Dyer's Hill are in a worse state of repair than the roads due to people parking up them and driving on them.

Phil Morgan

Fri 5 Oct 2018, 14:02

I wish to fully endorse Simon's remark - credit where it's due. The work on Dancer's Hill/Pooles Lane is great. The work on the Bull crossroads is also great.
The guys working there last night were excellent - they came in with a big team and got in and out very fast. A lot of planning went into that operation.
The guys were so considerate in keeping the traffic moving while they worked. This was so much more effective than the traditional method of applying for road closures, setting up traffic controls, signing diversions, etc.
To my mind, this idea of swooping in for a late night rapid fix is a brilliant way of working.

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Fri 5 Oct 2018, 11:29

Christine would say that after seeing 3 separate people checking and spraying the road for repairs that they ran out of tarmac due to miscalculation by someone on their side either that or they filled it in and it has already fallen apart overnight i would imaging they will be coming back at some point but just be wary when crossing the road.
apart from that looks a nice job but alas obviously not enough money in the pot to do the others in market st, my understanding after a chat that sheep st needs total resurface from sounds of it.

Simon Walker

Fri 5 Oct 2018, 11:01

Credit where it's due - in my 'umble opinion, the crew who have been doing the patching on Pooles Lane and on The Bull junction last night have done a really good job of it - well executed, neat edges and a smooth finish. A whole heap better than the random patching that's gone on in the recent past. Here's hoping that their work will soon extend along the whole of Sheep Street .... breath is being held ....

Christine Battersby

Fri 5 Oct 2018, 10:22

Tim, the lack of filling might depend if anyone logged the pothole correctly on the pothole reporting site.

The pothole repairers also left a hole outside my house a few months ago. I think this was because I marked it slightly incorrectly on the pothole location map & they deemed it a repeat of another hole I reported -- even though anyone could see by looking that they were 2 separate potholes, positioned only a few feet from each other.

I'll have another go at getting it filled when some of the other potholes open up again -- it doesn't take long! But for the one near the corner house, I suggest you report the lack of filling straight away.

Hannen Beith

Fri 5 Oct 2018, 10:14

I've long since given up trying to work out the reasoning of the machinations of the OCC Highways Department. It gives me a headache.
Hixet Wood? I agree. It appears to have been a totally random act on a good piece of road. I now have loose chippings in my car, and house. Still, I'm sure they meant well.

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Fri 5 Oct 2018, 09:55

Yay I see they spent last night filling the holes in at long last out side the Bull and rose and crown, but alas it looks like they ran out of tarmac and have left an even bigger hole outside the corner house.

Pearl Manners

Thu 6 Sep 2018, 13:48 (last edited on Thu 6 Sep 2018, 13:49)

Sorry repeat

Pearl Manners

Thu 6 Sep 2018, 13:47

I wonder if might be anything to do with the new houses to be built at bottom hill there Tim?

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Thu 6 Sep 2018, 13:41

I see that there are sprayed white lines around the craters at the crossroads out side the Bull & Rose and crown, fingers crossed they will be filled in by street fair day otherwise we might lose some of the children's parade in them !
Maybe we could make a detour of the parade around the town so that the rest of the pot holes also get filled as well ?
One other thing can anyone enlighten me as to why Hixet wood seemed to of been resurfaced in places when the rest of the town is in dire straits compared to there.

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