West Oxfordshire Local plan accepted - Neighbourhood Plan

Tony H Merry

Fri 31 Aug 2018, 09:44

Not really Steve when you see the Neighbourhood plan there will be a series of definite policies on development which explicitly detail what would be acceptable.
The Inspectors report said ;
Consequently, there is little case for the plan to provide for more than the already completed/committed 774 dwellings in the Burford ?" Charlbury sub-area (either the site allocations or a reliance on future windfalls) simply to ensure that the district-wide housing needs are met. Moreover, in the absence of a specific housing need figure for the sub-area, it is not possible to identify that new dwellings, over and above existing completions and commitments, are as a matter of principle, necessary specifically in the context of the AONB or the Burford ?" Charlbury sub-area.

stephen cavell

Fri 31 Aug 2018, 07:33

Good news Tony - but there still seems to be a lot of room for subjective opinions

Tony H Merry

Thu 30 Aug 2018, 20:37

Some of you may have noticed that the WODC local plan has at last been accepted. This is very important for planning applications for new developments
As we are in the Cotswolds AONB we are not subject to any housing targets however this does not mean there will be no planning applications for Charlbury.
The plan says that applications will be still considered but they have to show benefits to the people of Charlbury which compensate for any effect on the landscape or infrastructure such as traffic
This is where our Neighbourhood Plan is important as this details what type of housing might be acceptable and where it should not be located.
It would ensure that new development would be of the type which the Town wants, not be in paces which would harm the environment to a great degree and should be of a style to match the character of the Town
We now have to get the neighbourhood plan accepted which requires public consultation. review by West Oxfordshire and an independent examiner and finally a referendum. We would like to proceed with this as quickly as possible so watch out for the opportunity to give us your views

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