Steve Hague

Wed 15 Aug 2018, 11:28

Thank you, Rachel, for your kind words. Yes, it was a good film, and well-attended (it's always an encouragement for ChOC volunteers when there is sizeable and appreciative audience). And thanks to our ChOC chairman-cum-bar steward, Richard Cocks, the choice of wines available at the bar is invariably a good one! :-)

A few words on the new projector now installed above the stage in the main Hall ... Sunday night's use was the first time that it had been used with a public audience present, and we can fairly say that it passed its public debut with "flying colours"!

The general plan is that the projector will shortly be available for use by organisations (including ChOC) and individuals that book the Memorial Hall for their activities, and we are completing usage guidance notes, which will be available to those users.

At our next film showing (Sunday, October 14th - see Events for details), we (ChOC) plan to say a public "thank you", on behalf of the Corner House/Memorial Hall Committee for the very generous donation from a Charlbury resident that enabled the purchase of the new projector.

Steve Hague

P.S. The next step in the "grand plan" is that ChOC will install one of its two current (free-standing) projectors in the Green Room at the Memorial Hall. Once installed, that projector then too will become an available resource; in this case, for people who book the Green Room. Making that projector available in the Green Room is in effect a donation by ChOC as a quid pro quo for its future use of the projector now installed in the main Hall.

Rachel Gallagher

Mon 13 Aug 2018, 21:50

The showing of The Post by CHOC last night was a super evening and very well attended. I enjoyed a really good glass of wine too. We were impressed with the new projector. Well done CHOC.

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