Word to the wise for GWR travellers

Alex Flynn

Fri 20 Jul 2018, 21:41 (last edited on Fri 20 Jul 2018, 22:43)

Just found out that if you buy GWR tickets online and don't actually use them
a) You can only refund them on the date of travel
b) They will charge you a £10 admin fee which speaks to me that they basically don't want to give you your money back once they've got it.

I work and travel to Oxford 5 days a week. The admin charge means that I would actually have to pay them to refund my unused ticket. Something of am oxymoron...

Why isn't someone taking these people to task over this. If it wasn't for the disruption caused by their engineering work I wouldn't have found alternate transport! I am sick to death of GWR and their fat cats pleasing themselves!

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