For the pets, why does fireworks night have to last so long?

becky landale

Mon 26 Nov 2007, 21:46

we would need to write to the main organiser of the OCC. its not just to do with charlbury. there are firework displays all around the area. and writing something in the chronical wont stop having the fireworks in say chadlington or chilson on different nights.

Dave Sangwine

Tue 20 Nov 2007, 19:28

I think Richard's ideas are absolutely brilliant. I will write an article for the chronicle using my original ideas and those that have been added by this forum. I'm already looking forward to a much more planned set of 5 fireworks nights starting at 5pm Friday October 31st (Halloween) and ending at 8pm on Saturday 8th November. My dog will be happy, though she won't know because the tv will deafen her.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 19 Nov 2007, 17:01

Yep, I'd also agree with everything that's been said.

Perhaps a poster campaign would be the best way to do it, with posters saying "Responsible firework user - I won't set any fireworks off except and (dates and times)". Those of us who supported these aims could put the posters up in our windows - thereby encouraging others in Charlbury to do so. This could be publicised through the website and the Chronicle.

Deleted user

Mon 19 Nov 2007, 12:51

There clearly seems to be total agreement here. I do not know however what the next step would be.

Caroline Shenton

Wed 14 Nov 2007, 09:18

My parents lovely golden retriever died after eating (we think) an empty firework cartridge after New Year a few years ago. Nuff said.

Derek Collett

Tue 13 Nov 2007, 23:21

I would like restrictions on fireworks to go further and for the sale of fireworks to be banned to everyone apart from the organizers of official displays, who would have to produce a valid safety certificate in order to buy them! This would stop children buying them, throwing them around in the street and injuring themselves and other people.

Remember that it's not just pets that hate fireworks going off: they can also upset pensioners, small children, shiftworkers, people of a nervous disposition and anyone (like me!) who has to work during the late afternoon/early evening in order to earn a living.

There did seem to be more fireworks let off in Charlbury this year than in previous years: I wonder why? However, the situation is nowhere near as bad as it was when I lived in Oxford - there we were subjected to a realistic recreation of the Gulf War in sound and vision every night for about three weeks either side of November 5th!

Alex Westbury

Tue 13 Nov 2007, 16:41

Sorry I didn't really express my feelings very well. I totally agree with you Dave, I am all for having a limited firework period, one night would suit me fine!! Don't get me wrong I do love fireworks but also get so fed up with them dragging on for what will probably be 4/5 weeks this year. I know in some parts of Australia they only allow fireworks one night a YEAR!!

Dave Sangwine

Mon 12 Nov 2007, 21:07

I have some sympathy with the comment, but the main point I'm making is not that I'm unhappy with fireworks, I'm simply unhappy with how long the whole period goes on. I am happy to plan periods of loud TV for my dog, but let's limit these periods (please).

Alex Westbury

Sun 11 Nov 2007, 23:02

We are getting really cheesed off with it here, they always seem to conincide with toddler bedtimes which makes for a very unsettled bedtime!! We are lucky our cats are very tolerant to the noise and just come inside. However I am getting fed up with scouring the garden for rocket sticks and spent firework casings, not to mention broken roof tiles cause by rockets!

Dave Sangwine

Sun 11 Nov 2007, 20:04

It's rememberance Sunday - November 11th. Fireworks have gone off again tonight. I believe the first ones in Charlbury were let off nearly a month ago - I should know, my dog goes mad at the noise. Talking to other owners, we're all fed up with how long fireworks 'night' lasts these days. In 2008, November 5th will be a Wednesday. Therefore, it's reasonable for people to have parties the weekend before or the weekend after. But when the fireworks start, the animals hate it. It'd be great if we could get some agreement next year to only allow fireworks between (say) 5pm and 8pm on Friday and Saturday before, the Friday and Saturday after and the 5th November also. That way, we could close the curtains, turn the tv volume up high and save our animals the stress. I see no reason to stop people letting off fireworks, but an 'agreed' schedule for the whole of the town should not be beyond us, surely? We cannot make this a law in a year, but surely there's a way to 'ask' people nicely to use an agreed set of dates and times?

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