Sad day.....

john h

Thu 27 Dec 2007, 22:56

,fraid my reply could get me band from the forum, if you follow black adder you will know what i mean!!

graham W

Thu 27 Dec 2007, 21:36

Can't resist this, perhaps he was watching 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and was a Jolly Roger .....boom tish, so sorry about that

john h

Thu 27 Dec 2007, 16:46

Just a sad ,ol git really roger

Deleted user

Wed 26 Dec 2007, 16:46

John, I do hope you had a good Christmas day, because I could't help noticing you were reading this forum and making a posting at 10.30pm in the evening!

john h

Tue 25 Dec 2007, 22:33

Mr Wastie Snr trashed the Morgan, and it laid in parts for many years, eventualy going to Wales to be restored, that is the last I heared of it.It has not returned to the Wastie family I do know that. If I am ever in Wales Ken it would be good to see the old car again.Glad to hear the old Vinny has a good home.

david t walton

Mon 24 Dec 2007, 02:17

Merry Christmas to all at the Forum from OZ!! Anybody know what happened to the 3 wheeler Morgan (?)with I think had a JAP engine as part of the running gear? It belonged to the Wastie family too. I remember it well with Chris Wasties Dad clinging to the controls as he raced around the streets of Charlbury!!

ken jones

Sun 23 Dec 2007, 14:46

john the car lives in cillcenin west wales along with the hilmam huskey that belonged to the landlord of the farmers arms charlbury. and i own chris wasties vincent black shadow.

ken jones

Sun 23 Dec 2007, 14:46

john the car lives in cillcenin west wales along with the hilmam huskey that belonged to the landlord of the farmers arms charlbury. and i own chris wasties vincent black shadow.

john h

Mon 17 Dec 2007, 23:06

John, you must remeber that car Ivan bought it from me, hope you and Helen and family are all ok

John Larder

Mon 17 Dec 2007, 20:35

Hello John - The registration 'OD' would indicate the car was from Devon. Cars registered at that time for Oxford would end in FC JO and WL, while cars for Oxfordshire would end in BW and UD. Over here in France there is a slightly similar system in that the last two numbers indicate the department number - ours is 49 for Maine-et-Loire - and it is easy to tell cars from different departments so you can beep the horn at them when they are in the wrong lane etc, as the french enjoy doing. But apparently we will be having a new system soon.

john h

Sun 9 Dec 2007, 14:45

Ken that number seems familiar were has this car been for the last 2/3 decades and is it still local. please email me on hrrjhn@aol .com

ken jones

Sun 9 Dec 2007, 14:21

thanks john cod 265c is back on the road with a new coat of ford daytona yellow.

Igor Goldkind

Wed 5 Dec 2007, 18:28

The only reason for mentioning it is that it counter-intuitively goes the opposite direction away from Chippy towards Witney adding more time and burning more fuel. It was the drivers who brought it to my attention as they are now around 5-10 minutes later on that route. Also, no one has bothered to change the bus stop signs opposite The Bell designating the new route, so it's easy to get caught out if you haven't the buses for awhile.

I suppose one person's convenience is another's lunacy.

Amanda Epps

Wed 5 Dec 2007, 18:07

The reasons the buses to Chippy were rerouted were twofold. First to provide stops near to their homes for those who live along the Slade, Ticknell Piece, Ditchley Road etc (the majority of the population) when returning from Witney. Try lugging heavy shopping uphill from Church Street to The Green. Secondly to avoid the hazard to residents, buildings and vehicles resulting from buses travelling along Market Street. Residents now have a more convenient bus service which may encourage greater bus use and pedestrians are safer.

john h

Fri 23 Nov 2007, 17:26

Update Ken. TR register 01235 818866 (didcot)

john h

Fri 23 Nov 2007, 17:22

Ken give me time over the weekend may be able to help, are you a member of the TR register?

ken jones

Thu 22 Nov 2007, 19:49

john h i need some spares for a 1965 triumph spitfire i thought you might know somebody. ?

Andy Godfrey

Thu 22 Nov 2007, 18:49

Not guilty John.

john h

Tue 20 Nov 2007, 22:50

Andy G
Need to get a handle on who you are, did I repair your fax /copier in the past, if so then we sing of the same hymn sheet.

Igor Goldkind

Tue 20 Nov 2007, 13:10

I stand corrected. The route used to be via Market street now it runs the opposite direction Park Street to Sturt Road, then down and up The Slade to 9 Acres lane, adding what must be a mile to an otherwise straight forward journey.

Does it all make sense now?

Andy Godfrey

Mon 19 Nov 2007, 19:55

A true Charlbury person would have known that. :-)

john h

Mon 19 Nov 2007, 19:09

Igor, the bus route was Market st not Sheep st

Igor Goldkind

Mon 19 Nov 2007, 14:15

Apart from the status-by-longevity debate, there's also an interesting tension between those residents that view Charlbury as some kind of idealised rural retreat and those who want to promote its practical functionality as a town. A recent manifestation is the rerouting of the Worth bus route to Chipping Norton that used to navigate the more direct route down Sheep Street. The bus route is now required to circumvent the entire town in the opposite direction to get to Chippy. This is obviously only inconvenient to the bus drivers and users of public transport.

john h

Sat 17 Nov 2007, 23:08

Ray, glad you still keep in touch

Deleted user

Sat 17 Nov 2007, 15:57

Ray, It`s good to see you are keeping in touch with Charlbury TOWN. I hope you are well.

Ray Marshall

Sat 17 Nov 2007, 15:40

I agree with Richard. When i ran the website i had to remove several articles as the law says that the website becomes a publisher and the owner is responsible for its content. However its nice to hear from the original Charlbury people who have grown up in the town. You notice i refer to Charlbury as a town and not a "delightful little village" as some of the recent residents prefer to call it.

Igor Goldkind

Thu 15 Nov 2007, 15:32

A round of applause for Richard's adherence to common social decency in the face of inciting bigotry.

Certainly a 'truer' Charlbury person than the self-proclaimed.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 12 Nov 2007, 12:41

Blame the copy of Uncut I was reading in the Rose & Crown the other night!

Andy Godfrey

Mon 12 Nov 2007, 07:44

Point taken.
However, "the great Ian Brown" is stretching things a tad. ;-)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 11 Nov 2007, 20:06

Should the right to free speech include racist comments of the type that Ivan/Giro/David was making? Personally I don't think so, and conversations I've had with people around town and via e-mail suggest that most people in Charlbury think likewise.

But, as it happens, the laws on racial hatred are such that no sane website administrator would allow that sort of stuff on a site for which they are legally responsible. So regardless of my preferences, or those of others, it's simply not a possibility. If Ivan/Giro/David wants to spout racist comments he might find it easier to do so on a distributed medium (e.g. Usenet) or on a site hosted in a more lawless country!

As for "I've lived here longer than you" - does it really matter? Surely what's more important is how much you contribute to Charlbury in the here and now. As the great Ian Brown once said, "it's not where you're from, it's where you're at". :)

(Last time there was a Town Council election, the candidates' leaflets seemed to be attempting to outdo each other on the "I've lived here for 37 years" stake. I was sorely tempted to put out a spoof leaflet saying "Vote Skelly for Town Council. Skelly has lived in Charlbury for 278 years. Admittedly, the last 208 of those have been in St Mary's Churchyard, and he doesn't get out much these days.")

Andy Godfrey

Sun 11 Nov 2007, 19:09

Fair comment, but he/they have probably lived in Charlbury for more years than 90% of people that frequent this site. If anyone finds his/their comments offensive, they really should get out more.
What happened to free speech?

Derek Collett

Sun 11 Nov 2007, 13:55

I like your idea of a "True Charlbury person": one who doesn't even live in Charlbury but spends much of his spare time slagging off the place and its inhabitants, often in an offensive and ill-informed manner!

Andy Godfrey

Sat 10 Nov 2007, 23:23

I miss Ivan Krechov, Giro & David Giles. True Charlbury people one & all.

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