Malcolm Blackmore |
Thu 5 Jul 2018, 23:09 Thumbs up for Miranda's suggestion - i.e "extract digit" idea, as per relief of Rangoon PWO camp in 1944/45 (look ot up)! Which is the most likely route/orientation of any helicopter approach? |
Sean Hosking |
Wed 4 Jul 2018, 18:37 I especially like both Stephen and Miranda's ideas. |
Simon Walker |
Wed 4 Jul 2018, 17:25 But - in the best tradition of newspaper reporting - is it "a normally reliable source", John? One has to be circumspect in these matters. |
John Lanyon |
Wed 4 Jul 2018, 16:47 A source close to WODC has revealed that the threat level posed by yarn-bombing in West Oxfordshire is about to be raised to "critical". |
Stephen Andrews |
Wed 4 Jul 2018, 16:42 I think I have found the perfect Charlbury riposte to this potential outrageous visit of Trump, yarn bomb Blenheim Gate! John Lanyon and I even have a suggestion of the what it can be - a crocheted red button. Trump wont understand what this would be about, but at least it would make us all feel better. |
Christine Battersby |
Wed 4 Jul 2018, 00:07 Michael, most of that seems pretty accurate. But the exhibition at Asthall Manor closes this weekend. It's a wonderful place to visit -- just not on July 12th!
Michael Flanagan |
Tue 3 Jul 2018, 16:29 (last edited on Tue 3 Jul 2018, 17:01) Chaps and chapesses: let's be real. Trump's going to be helicoptered in for lots of reasons - including the fact that the A44 through Woodstock on a hot day when Oxford station's closed is going to be hell on earth even without Trump. But, traffic gridlock or not, loads of protesters are going to turn up outside the gates because - well that's what you do. And whatever the laws about rights of way, no-one's going to let protesters against practically the most disliked person on the planet wander freely across stiles onto Blenheim's open paths. July 12 will be a great day for most of us, if we commute into London or Oxford, to work from home. If we work from home already and we fancy a few hours out of town, it'll be a great day to see the statues at Asthall Manor. If we really want to register our dislike, it'll be a really, really, horrible, sweltering day to spend kettled up in the blazing sun outside the gates - especially when we could be working to help American chums campaign for sensible Dems or Repubs in this year's mid-terms, or working for sensible change here. Trump's not the only thing wrong with this world. Most of all, though, the weather forecast says next Thursday's going to be a rotten day for any kind of public protest - against Trump, potholes, surgery closures or the increasingly unlikely risk we might leave the Single Market - or, in my view, ever really leave the EU. If ever there was a day designed to be spent in the Deli garden, sipping something cool, and savouring England's victory on penalties the previous evening over Russia, next Thursday's going to be that day.
Miranda Higham |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 22:10 Perhaps, in that case, a protest solution might be to spell something out in very large letters in a Woodstock field. |
Rosemary Bennett |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 18:53 (last edited on Mon 2 Jul 2018, 18:57) I'm thinkng that he will never see the streets of Woodstock, nor the gates. I agree Christine that he would likely fly in by helicopter, or his own jet, and as he will probably be escorted in by the military of both countries, whichever way he arrives, there is no guarantee that he will even know or care where he actually is. He has been known to mix up countries before now, never mind counties! |
Malcolm Blackmore |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 17:37 Hmm. Let there be A Empty Chair Protest - line the street with empty chairs, possibly turned around their backs to stare away from the Narcissist In Chief. Also a Stay Away and Donate the Fare protest - remain absent but send the money one would have spent to travel to get there to a Campaign fundraising group, to buy, say, top of news posting adverts on Facebook etc. I did get a bit bored with the endless chants of "angry, angry, angry - hate hate hate" in my 1980s youth, there must be some more imaginative things people can think of to do by now? |
Christine Battersby |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 13:54 I would imagine that Trump would fly in to Blenheim by helicopter. I don't suppose that he will do the trip from Stansted Airport by road. Those who want to protest will be doing so to make a point about his policies, & he is unlikely to see the protesters himself. There will be, however, press coverage, and an absence of protesters can simply be read as implicit support for his policies -- as expressed, for example, by the current Duke of Marlborough who has long declared himself one of DT's "greatest supporters". |
Charlie M |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 13:54 Thank you Christine! |
Mary Heckman |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 12:55 I agree totally with Katie. Don't feed his ego any more by showing up to protest, let him go by totally empty streets with no one showing any interest. That should get to him. |
Tony Graeme |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 12:53 Rights of way should not be closed without proper advance notice. ('Wilderness' management can tell you about the reaction if they are!) I've not walked in Blenheim lately so don't know whether or not any closures have been advertised. |
Christine Battersby |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 11:01 (last edited on Mon 2 Jul 2018, 11:02) Charlie, There is a protest on the 12th. That is why I posted -- the details are here: Emily, Thank you for the correction! I see you are right, & that most -- but not all -- journeys can be made via Hanborough. This does not work for those travelling north or for some off-peak journeys heading south. Some of the return journeys from London & Reading in the evening are also unavailable. Stephen, I will be amazed if the public rights of way are open either from Stonesfield, Combe, Bladon or The Black Prince. But perhaps somebody knows better on this ... I see that up to 10,000 police & SAS officers will be sent round the country to guard DT. I can't believe that they will leave the public gates open! |
Stephen Andrews |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 10:12 It is nice walk to Blenheim from Charlbury via Stonesfield/Akeman Street all on public footpaths and for those of you that want a shorter ramble, via Combe/East End, it seems that there will be a Charlbury train service as far as Hanborough that day. |
Katie Ewer |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 10:10 I think it would send a much stronger message if everyone just stayed at home and he had to endure the pictures of empty streets as his cavalcade drove through being shown at home. We should deprive him of the oxygen of publicity. |
Emily Algar |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 10:09 (last edited on Mon 2 Jul 2018, 10:10) According to the National Rail and GWR websites, GWR are putting on rail replacement buses that week, and I believe the other weeks where there is disruption. Trains are running from Charlbury to Hanborough, which then connects with a bus to Oxford and beyond, and the same for the return journey I should add. |
Charlie M |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 09:55 It seems from this: that Trump's actual visit to Blenheim is going to be on the 12th. So why is there no protest on that day? Also, they cannot just "close" the estate as there are various public rights of way through it. There is one just towards Woodstock centre and on the other side of the road from The Black Prince, shown in detail here: and as far as I remember there is also right of way up Park Road in Bladon (just along from the White Hart towards Witney). I hope this helps. If anyone can correct anything I've written, then please do so! It would be great to see a massive show of disgust towards Trump's visit, and even better if he saw it. |
Christine Battersby |
Mon 2 Jul 2018, 08:53 There will be a protest against Trump's visit to Blenheim outside the "main gates" of Blenheim Palace from 17.30 - 19.30 on Thursday 12th July. Even those who do not intend to be there might like to know this -- especially as there are no trains running to Charlbury (north or south) that day. Also, no rail replacement buses are provided on weekdays during the line closure, with train passengers told to use their train tickets on the S3 or no 7 or 500 buses instead. Since all those buses go past the gates to Blenheim, it looks like being a very difficult day to travel. Those who want to be there to protest might also want to decide how to get there, and also where to park! Blenhein Palace is closed that day & also on July 11th. |
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