Helen Chapman |
Wed 16 May 2018, 14:36 Glena you may (if you wanted to) be able to appeal if the lines were faded. The double yellow lines on Sheep Street were quite faded a few months ago (I think they may have been repainted now) and a police officer told me he wouldn't be able to issue a ticket to a van parked there. Having said that I'm all for respecting the disabled spaces so perhaps better to pay up :) I noticed that when the lines were repainted round Charlbury recently the disabled space on Pooles Lane was not repainted - not sure if that was an accident or deliberate - and it's now almost invisible. |
glena chadwick |
Wed 16 May 2018, 10:27 Thanks---my fault---I was visiting an unwell friend in Church Lane and parked on the disabled space for c. half an hour. It was temptingly near her house, hardly anyone uses it, the sign on the post is hidden in a tree and the lines and lettering are very, very faded---and it was a very quiet time in Church Lane. And I thought all the parking officers would have gone home by then. Ah well !!! |
Huw Mallins-Brown |
Wed 16 May 2018, 08:18 I saw the parking officer in Charlbury yesterday afternoon ( around 1pm) and apparently returned whan an S3 could not get past cars parked on double yellow lines at the top of Church Street. That was around 6pm when my wife saw him. |
Heather Williams |
Wed 16 May 2018, 07:24 Where were you parked? |
glena chadwick |
Tue 15 May 2018, 23:41 Did anyone else get a parking ticket in Charlbury today at about 6.15 p.m.? |
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