Laptop data salvaging

Mark Luntley

Fri 18 May 2018, 10:29 (last edited on Fri 18 May 2018, 10:30)

As it happens the team at Ability just replaced the hard drive on our iMac which was running slowly. They analysed the old drive then they cloned it- ie they transferred the data onto a new drive which they then fitted (they gave me the old drive back). They also added extra RAM memory - it all came out to £250. They specified a fusion" drive - which runs much faster.

The computer is transformed and runs like a new machine. I'd recommend them as well - though you should note they don't now accept card payments (cash or business cheques only). They explained they'd had a spate of phone repairs - where the payments were made but subsequently reversed.

Harriet Baldwin

Thu 17 May 2018, 18:00

Thank you both, I have found that the loan application requires the tax info which is saved elsewhere, so having just got that sent off safely, I'm now thinking it might be cheaper to buy another laptop, redo the lost accounts and make sure they're backed up as I do them! I might contact ability systems and ask them if it's feasible to refurbish it, if all it needs is a new drive

Katie Ewer

Tue 15 May 2018, 10:04

I would second that recommendation. They successfully salvaged a laptop HD for me a few years back.

Hans Eriksson

Mon 14 May 2018, 21:22

Så tråkigt när detta händer Harriett. Have you tried Ability Systems in Witney? A good computer engineer should be able to recover most if not all of the data. Good luck!

Harriet Baldwin

Mon 14 May 2018, 20:40

Can anyone recommend someone to salvage my laptop pls? It had a confrontation with the OED and came off worst, possibly the hard drive is broken (in which case the data is probably lost). It's mostly my accounts, most of that is backed up, but some isn't and I really need it ASAP for my daughter's student loan application. The rest is my weaving designs, which would be nice to have back but the accounts are most important.

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