Golfers - come and practise your golf swing!!

Liz Reason

Wed 9 May 2018, 22:24

Thanks Janet for some measured words. I'm glad to see that several people have educated themselves as a result of my post. At the moment there are so many thistles, and so much ragwort starting to grow, we're aiming just to stop it in its tracks as it's quicker than trying to dig it all out at this stage. We will eventually dig it all out - as we did last year. Neither plant is in flower so will not be spreading their seed. And even if some of the ragwort does get to flower, there will be no horses, cows, pigs or even chickens in the field so we can all sleep easy in our beds. Any of you willing to start helping us to keep these troublesome weeds at bay?

Janet Burroughs

Wed 9 May 2018, 20:59

Generally, relatively easy to simply pull it up - but do wear gloves as it can irritate skin.

Sandra Miller

Wed 9 May 2018, 19:50 (last edited on Wed 9 May 2018, 19:52)

Taking a swipe at RAGWORT Liz. A stupid thing to post, you should know better.

Heather Williams

Wed 9 May 2018, 17:13

If you have ragwort on your land I believe you are meant to destroy it, by digging up all the roots and burning it.

Pearl Manners

Wed 9 May 2018, 16:29

Out of interest Stephen I looked it up and says poisonous to Horses, Cattle, Pigs and chickens how dreadful !

stephen cavell

Wed 9 May 2018, 16:14

Got your post in just before me Charlie! As an official of MAFF in the 1960's Ragwort was a notifiable weed- must control. I suggest you Google it - Liz

Charlie M

Wed 9 May 2018, 13:04

Pardon me going into "pedant mode", but is not Ragwort one of those things that is supposed to be pulled up and destroyed at all costs? In my youth I spent many days working on my uncle's farm outside Dolgellau in North Wales pulling the wretched stuff up, because in their dried state (as they would be if they were "swiped") the flowers can kill cows and horses!

Liz Reason

Tue 8 May 2018, 17:36

Southill Solar isn't just about generating green electricity. We also have a plan to increase the biodiversity on the site - more wildflowers, more little beasties. The southern end of the site (Finstock way) has already been treated and sown and all sorts of interesting things should start happening this summer. The northern end of the site is currently covered in fast-growing thistle and ragwort. Rather than dig them up, we just want to give them a good swipe to stem their growth. Excellent practice for golfers! If anyone wants to volunteer to help, please contact me via this site.

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