Jon Carpenter
(site admin) |
Tue 8 May 2018, 22:29 I forgot! The CAKE, Tea, coffee and CAKE in St Mary's! |
Jon Carpenter
(site admin) |
Tue 8 May 2018, 11:51 (last edited on Tue 8 May 2018, 11:52) Unfortunately, Charlbury Deli put out an email yesterday, claiming that - apart from themselves - "Most of the other Charlbury Artsweeks venues, though, open only today [Monday] and next weekend." That's not quite true, however. There are 32 artists exhibiting in Charlbury this week, and most of them are open every day. Today, for example, you can see the work of 29 artists. And you can pause in cool St Mary's for a cuppa as you go round. There's a lot of fantastic artwork to see every day of the week, right through till Sunday. And chances are you will meet the creators and hear the stories behind what they do and why. There's a downloadable Trail Map of the venues at and you can pick up a paper copy at any venue.
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