Boundary Walk Sunday 6th May

Tony H Merry

Sun 6 May 2018, 20:26

Thank you to all who joined us today for a walk in glorious sunshine.

|It was a really lovely walk and possibly the hottest day ever for the walk

We have now established the parish boundaries for the coming year so we can all sleep soundly

Also thanks to Liz for showing us the solar farm which was generating a lot of power today

Tony H Merry

Thu 3 May 2018, 09:25

This Sunday - rogation Sunday I will be leading the annual boundary walk

The weather is looking good so come along and join us Chance to walk on paths not usually open to the public
Route 10.5 Miles total distance Start 10.00 finish about 4.00
Start at Boundary Oak Top of Forest Road
This year there will be a chance to see the heated beehives at the solar farm!
There will be a lunch break at Ditchley Model Farm at about 1.00 and you may start or leave us there
This will be a Guided Walk - walk the whole boundary or just a section
Walk Leader Tony Merry
This year although wet in places the going is not bad but you are advised to wear waterproof walking boots.
I have been round the route and it should be quite easy walking this year

If you are able to give lift to people for the start of the walk or to any point where we cross a road please let me know
Dogs and children are welcome
Dogs must be on a lead
Children must be with an adult

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