The Big Chop

Gill Begnor

Mon 30 Apr 2018, 21:58

Just wanted to share what this lovely young lady is doing to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Millie (aged 10) heard about a local friend of many Charlbury residents - Charlotte Taylor, who tragically passed away last year after a long and brave battle with cancer. Millie was especially touched by the fact that Charlotte's twins were the same age as her sister and wanted to do something to raise money in her memory - so she decided to have her hair cut off to give to a charity that makes wigs for children undergoing cancer treatment. Millie is also raising money for Cancer Research UK and you can donate to support her via her Just Giving page - Please chip in if you can. The minimum donation is £2 and every little helps. Millie's fundraising page was only set up this afternoon and she has already exceeded her target by £200! Let's help her double that :-)

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