Royal wedding street party May 19.

glena chadwick

Wed 16 May 2018, 18:12

OK, still do !!

Helen Chapman

Wed 16 May 2018, 14:37

Parking in disabled spots Glena?? ;p

glena chadwick

Tue 15 May 2018, 21:40

Looking forward to St Mary's on Saturday---but surely a bit rough to bring up the Nazi thing on the wedding day ? We must all of us have done things when we were young that we feel really ashamed about. I know I did !

nigel rosser

Mon 14 May 2018, 09:21

So 11.30 at the Church? Brilliant. Can Miles and Charlie recite their poems just before the pomp and ceremony begins?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 6 May 2018, 11:30

St Mary's will be showing the wedding on the big screen, from 11.30. Bring your own bubbly (but there will be cake). Hats allowed and even encouraged!

(I promise not to play along with the organ.)

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 4 May 2018, 00:34

Excellent Miles and Charlie! Poems for the Chronicle?

Charlotte Veron

Thu 3 May 2018, 19:37

big screen outside the bull sounds like a great idea, I'd definitely come along

nigel rosser

Thu 3 May 2018, 17:34

Brilliant. Tunnels Parisienne? VG

Pearl Manners

Thu 3 May 2018, 16:53

Excellent Miles!

Miles Walkden

Thu 3 May 2018, 14:27 (last edited on Fri 4 May 2018, 09:54)

Of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, of Hanover, Wettin too
Harry just couldn't be Britoner, He's just like me and like you
The Windsors are pleased with a Merkel, Kraut as a Panzer-Tank
Oh no, she's really a Markle, Oh Christ, she's really a Yank.

But they're glad he's settling down at last, ready to conform
Packing away his childish things, and his Nazi uniform
And Megan's packed up her Suits, disappearing like a ghost
her family will not be there, their invites lost in the post

Poor Harry's dad is not too well, he may not make the day
but Charles will be there in his stead, to give the lad away
His Mum, of course, cannot attend, the world can morn again
the loss of a beautiful spirit, in tunnels Parisienne.

And so we'll have a party, string out the union-flag bunting
Silence the gun dogs and beaters, cancel the afternoon hunting
Gather ye villeins, surfs and peasants, feed of the fat of the land
(but check with your current employer, there is no bank holiday planned)

The Donald will not be attending, nor Jezza, Theresa et al,
but scary, and sporty and baby, and ginger and posh all shall
and we shall gather together, no watching for us all alone
but let's remember he's only, 6th in line for the throne

Miles Walkden

Thu 3 May 2018, 10:32

I'll consider it a commission Nigel, but you'll get what you get...

Charlie M

Wed 2 May 2018, 13:23

I'm not the poet laureate, even of my street, but this is *my* take on it ... you will notice that its form is classical ... in a sonnet form of 14 lines ... more by accident than design, I assure you ;-)

C'mon people, I really am beggin'
For an ode about Harry and Megan.
I'm sure it's a plot by Ms. May
to take attention from her for one day.
The press are all in on the act,
and whether it's fiction or fact,
their bumper-sized souvenir issues
will leave many folks needing tissues.
There's really no more I can say
as Saturday's my shopping day.
I know this is not very good,
if I could do better, I would ...
but I'll leave it at that just for now,
so Harry and Meg - take a bow.

nigel rosser

Tue 1 May 2018, 17:48

It is possible we could have a big screen thingy outside at the Bull if anyone is interested?

Hannen Beith

Tue 1 May 2018, 10:33

Agree Nigel. It would be good fun I'm sure. Now all you need to do is to get some volunteers together!
The Street Fair stalwarts are putting on a Last Night of the Proms screening in the MH on Sat 8 September. It will be a themed evening with Union Jacks, refreshments, and, if such beings still exist, we could draft in some inebriated medical students. Hope to see you there!

nigel rosser

Tue 1 May 2018, 10:19

Thanks Hannen, completely understand. All I can say is, whatever your view on the House of Windsor/Royalty/Republicanism etc, we had one for William and Kate in leafy Barnes before we moved back here four years ago and it was great fun and, on reflection, worth doing, even in a post-ironic, satirical, manner. We just need a poem from Miles to kick start the whole event.

Hannen Beith

Tue 1 May 2018, 08:51

Of course there's nothing to prevent any other group arranging something.

Hannen Beith

Tue 1 May 2018, 08:50

This was discussed by the Street Fair Committee at its meeting on 12 April. It was decided not to put on a screening in the Memorial Hall. Various reasons not least because the team is seriously overstretched with other projects not least the Fair itself.
We need more volunteers. If you're interested please let us know at this address:
or come along to our next meeting in the Anne Downer Room - 7 pm, Thursday 10 May. You will be welcomed with open arms!

nigel rosser

Mon 30 Apr 2018, 20:27

Great idea! Any others? Miles? A Royal Poem?

Charlotte Veron

Mon 30 Apr 2018, 11:21

I wonder if a big screening could be held - TV licensing laws are not being enforced for the event so it gives anybody with the equipment the green light to put something together

nigel rosser

Mon 30 Apr 2018, 11:01

Any ideas?

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