Community Centre Quiz - thanks

Tanya Stevenson

Fri 27 Apr 2018, 20:03

Yes, of course - I tried to say just that but it's a tricky message to get over on the publicity in few words! I have just put an item on our website which encourages people to come in one and twos as well as whole teams and we'll sit you with others who come along. Some people like to go with their friends and I would hate to be so draconian as to break that up, but please do come and we will sit you with others on the night. We also had a couple of smaller teams last time and in fact a team of 4 won the quiz.

Miranda Higham

Fri 27 Apr 2018, 18:41

I agree with you Malcolm.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 27 Apr 2018, 16:09

We didn't have a team so felt we couldn't come. In future can you organise it so that small groups or individuals are allowed to join and teams can be made up on the spot, or that no teams are allocated except by on-the-spot draws. The less extrovert of us may be able to feel we can be part of fundraising activities then.

Tanya Stevenson

Fri 27 Apr 2018, 11:17

Thank you to everybody who came to the first Community Centre Quiz on Wednesday. It was a sell out and a great success (raising about £375 for the Centre) so we'll definitely be carrying on with them. The next one is on 23rd May. Rob Hemingway is setting the quiz and tickets are already on sale at CCC reception.
Thank you also to the helpers especially Daniela Jenkins, Bill Stevenson, Ant and Jessie Horn, Jenny Chambers and Ed Fenton.

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