Tim Widdows |
Sat 31 Mar 2018, 17:38 (last edited on Sat 31 Mar 2018, 17:42)
As most dog owners might well be doing extended dog walks over the Easter weekend I thought it important to notify you of a message I got sent today. I have received notification of a local dog who has very sadly passed away from Alabama Rot. This dog was from Oxford and the owner had been walking their dog in Freeland near Long Hanborough (see Google Maps below). Alabama Rot is still VERY rare but can be fatal if early signs go unnoticed. It is worth ensuring you wash your dog's paws as soon as possible after walks, especially when walking them in muddy woodland. Regular checks of their bodies for skin sores, commonly found below the knees & elbows, are early indicators of possible kidney failure (but also triggers of other less fatal diseases). It is still important to clarify how rare this is but to give you the information to make your own judgement call.
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