Potholes - Again!

Hannen Beith

Wed 2 May 2018, 13:56

Miranda - I suspect that that's a cunning plan by OCC. Why stop there? Fill all the potholes with animal and human faeces. Anything to say (in all honesty) that they've been filled.

Miranda Higham

Tue 1 May 2018, 22:31

Some of the potholes on Dancer's Hill had been temporarily filled by passing horses the other morning.

nigel rosser

Tue 1 May 2018, 20:22

A minor miracle. I believe the pothole the size of a jacuzzi opposite Wellington Cottages has been mended. Ironically there are several more in the vicinity that could have been done at the same time, but we must be grateful for small mercies, I was taught.

Hannen Beith

Mon 16 Apr 2018, 18:50

No worries Rosemary! I am used to being called all sorts of names...

Rosemary Bennett

Mon 16 Apr 2018, 11:51

Hannen, I'm sending apologies for getting your name wrong earlier in my comment. Sorry :(

Charlie M

Sun 15 Apr 2018, 22:55

John h is absolutely correct. The pothole in Woodfield Drive near the Hixet Wood end was fixed in early February, I think, and is already starting to fail. I know that local councils are hamstrung by the restriction of funds by this government, but surely simple economics dictate that it is cheaper to send a crew out to fix a hole ONCE, rather than TWICE?!?!

Paul Taylor

Sat 14 Apr 2018, 22:03

The highway fine company's that work on the highway for over running the time allowed that includes if a sign has been left out by mistake when this law came out highway agency employed more people to cash in on utility companies. They also go around and keep check on them make sure correct sign are out they keep taking photos but when they are doing there work your lucky to see a cone out. No fines for them surely the AA and RAC should have some powers in helping car owners get compensation for damage done to car. At the moment you have prove they knew the pot hole was there and they failed to fill it with in a certain time. The government are to blame to be honest the froze the amount of money highways have but leaving them is only going to make things worse sooner or later a court will rule in favour off the car owner and the flood gates will open they will rightfully have to pay out and then still repair the roads

john h

Sat 14 Apr 2018, 20:24

The answer to the pothole problems we have would be to fix the hole properly first time round. It is false economy to fill the holes with what is the equivalent to Play Dough . A hole repaired in the foot path near my home which carries very light foot traffic is breaking up.It has been filled with a very substandard material.Lets fix it right first time!!

Andrew Greenfield

Sat 14 Apr 2018, 16:21

I would bet Hannah is you Hannen, at least according to predictive text typing?

Hannen Beith

Sat 14 Apr 2018, 14:43

Who is "Hannah"?

Rosemary Bennett

Sat 14 Apr 2018, 12:58

Hannah, this isn't only a local problem; a lot of the damage is caused by heavy haulage companies with no locals involved so why ask locals to pay extra?

Simon Walker

Fri 13 Apr 2018, 23:00

Just for the record:
The boss of a Scottish civil engineering firm has become the guardian angel of his council's roads by filling in potholes for free.

Mark Armstrong realised he could help cash-strapped Highland Council by using leftover asphalt from road laying jobs his staff had completed elsewhere.

Now he fills in potholes in his local area, paying his workers for the extra time required.

See the full story at: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-43751119

Any takers, OCC?

Mark Sulik

Fri 13 Apr 2018, 19:52 (last edited on Sun 15 Apr 2018, 23:00)

How long does it take to get the road mended ? A massive claim being sent to the council from an aquatence that made a visit and has a cracked wheel , blown tyre and suspension rebuild . How many other victims has this got ?

Mark Sulik

Tue 3 Apr 2018, 11:40

Now full of water and looks like part of the road - what is the time frame for fixing ?

Recent repair to the road from nine acres close towards the cross roads - recently mended - has failed and back to the same standard. Needs re doing ( and paid for a second time ? )

Mark Sulik

Sat 31 Mar 2018, 14:56 (last edited on Sat 31 Mar 2018, 23:06)

Not a pot hole - road collapse, before the first bend away from 5 ways outside wellington cottages

Paul Taylor

Sat 31 Mar 2018, 13:33

Is that public highway? Does any one doing the work have a currant in date NRSWA card if not your not covered by any insurance and will be liable for any damage to card and will be responsible for making it safe covering the costs. Are you using any signage

James Styring

Thu 29 Mar 2018, 10:25

Speaking of potholes, the residents of Hundley Way are about to repair the Martian surface of our lane, starting this Saturday (weather permitting). Can anyone lend us a tamper (or rammer - e.g. https://www.wickes.co.uk/Wickes-Steel-Professional-Contractors-Rammer/p/186866) to compact the mix of hardcore, sand and cement we are using for filling the potholes? It'd be much appreciated and help us make abetter job of it. Please call Ed Bradbury 07460 366282 or Andy Robertson 01608 819250. Thank you, in anticipation.

Ian Lewis

Thu 29 Mar 2018, 08:43

Just checked, it was reported 5 days ago and is scheduled for repair, also reported again at 7am this morning.

Ian Lewis

Thu 29 Mar 2018, 08:39

So have you reported it?....fixmystreet would be as quick as typing in your comment! By the way the two new holes are outside the area patched last time so it is not a case of the new patches failing just the poor standard of the existing road.

Simon Walker

Wed 28 Mar 2018, 21:38

Anyone remember the scepticism aired some time last year about the 'patching' repairs then being done to the Enstone Road crossroads? Two nights it took, if I remember right. And just how effective 'patching' is in relation to doing a proper job? Hey ho .... there's another elephant trap just appeared up there, with big chunky bits of gravel lying around.

Nancy Whitfield

Wed 28 Mar 2018, 19:52

These photos tell a sorry story, that affects us all - young and old in the whole of Oxfordshire. So how is that they can build new state of the art libraries like Central Library in the Westgate?

Hannen Beith

Wed 28 Mar 2018, 18:33

I had to travel to Bampton yesterday, and back to day, and then back there again in two days time. Don't ask!
After leaving the Burford Road via Witney Lakes I had to try to avoid in excess of 60 potholes. Some really deep. Most around a housing estate being built near Curbridge. I think the worst road was Well Lane.
There are also the ones around Leafield but no-one seems to care about them now.

In view of my last dialogue with OCC (when they told me that they carried out a rolling programme of fixing potholes), I'm minded to (deleted - Ed).

I've never encountered roads in such poor state since I was in Iraq.

I'd happily pay more Council Tax if it was applied to make routine and local journeys safer.

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