Fear is one of man's worst enemies

Nancy Whitfield

Thu 29 Mar 2018, 07:47

Now look at this thread titled - "where have all the flowers/journalists gone?" about the lack of justice in this world and that silence is not golden. Instead it has meant that endless hate/torture/violence/injustice/war/fear... is filling our newspapers with words, but not about actions taken to stop it. Only words, all talking about what? Man's inhumanity to man? Lies have short legs, we are taught as a child, innocent about the world we are born into. Whereas the age of reason comes later in life, when we are "grown-ups".

Nancy Whitfield

Thu 29 Mar 2018, 07:23

Ubi Caritas - Where there is charity and love, there God is.

Nancy Whitfield

Thu 29 Mar 2018, 07:22 (last edited on Sun 1 Apr 2018, 10:01)

On walking home I did something I seldom do I looked up and stared in wonder not just at the stars and the moon, but at something miraculous - a halo was there circling the moon. Did you too see it? I kept going into the darkness in the garden and staring at this halo? Why is it there? Why is it changing each time I look up? But when I saw this shocking video a friend sent to me and began to think and was restless in my sleep. I would like to share that video with you now, but I have to warn you - it will make you cry, but it will make you think about what I'm going to explain about the truth about Maundy Thursday,"Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos - a new commandment I give to you: Love one another"

Nancy Whitfield

Thu 29 Mar 2018, 07:08 (last edited on Sun 1 Apr 2018, 10:02)

Last night, with a portrayal and story of Judas, the betrayer, there were no images held up. Instead I want to share with you what was said -
"Rather than looking at an ugly Judas amid handsome Magdalene and Peter, why not each look for Judas in our bathroom mirror, and then reflect on our burdening betrayals of others, self and therefore God, and on the the betrayals of us by others."
I would like to share with you this video of a minister who disguised himself as a homeless beggar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWvsQzgX6JQ

Nancy Whitfield

Wed 28 Mar 2018, 15:13 (last edited on Wed 28 Mar 2018, 19:45)

At St Mary's I learned something of the characters of the Easter "story". On Monday evening the discussions focused on Saint Peter, Tuesday on Mary Magdalene, and tonight it is Judas.
Everyone knows that saints are holy, but now I realise that saints are usually ordinary people, like you and me, who have also made mistakes. But they were not afraid, they stood up for what they believed in. But more than that, they were willing to give up their life, for what they believed was right.
Mary Magdalene is portrayed, not as a saint, but as a loose woman. But now I realise that many women around the world are misunderstood, and even abused, as she was. She was one of the few women that loved Jesus and cries out for the cruelty of others torturing him, to try and stop it, as it was so unjust.
And now we come to Judas, usually portrayed as a traitor, who sold his soul to the devil for money. No doubt it will be discussed tonight that maybe his label as traitor isn't as right for him as loose women and saint were not quite the right labels either.

Christ died on the cross, to take away the sin of the world. Around the country tens of thousands of Christians are gathering together to celebrate, like at Butlins' "Spring Harvest", where Christians take over the entire site for the Easter weekend.
Here's an Easter Holy Week video by them, I'd like to share, sorry about the advert - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GKhDCsLrUg

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