Walking by the river at Cornbury

Rachael Gibbon

Mon 26 Mar 2018, 10:02 (last edited on Mon 26 Mar 2018, 10:17)

Miles, I couldn't agree more. I really miss being able to walk freely through the meadow. It's much less enjoyable to be forced down a narrow route and the path really is an a dire state now there is such concentrated footfall. Is there a community contact at Cornbury that anyone knows of that we could put this to?

Miles Walkden

Sun 25 Mar 2018, 17:26

Today i walked on the old path by the river (i presume now the cows are gone there wont be any objection), and was reminded of how wonderful it was to take the kids down there at the weekend. Yellow Wagtails, Green Woodpeckers, deer - I had forgotten how nice it is to have a river to walk by in our town. I wonder of Cornbury could be persuaded to put a stile to get across the park when the cows are not there? The path is a quagmire so it would also help to sort that out for them.

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