Hedge slashing

Brigid Sturdy

Fri 23 Mar 2018, 11:25

The Ditchley estate office (which has a Banbury number) says that there's no known plan to plough up the footpath, and that in some years hedges have to be cut more drastically than in others. I've never seen anything quite as destructive as this year's cut, although it has left a lot of useful firewood lying around.

vicky burton

Fri 23 Mar 2018, 10:50

One more week allowed to cut hedges legally I'm told.

john h

Fri 23 Mar 2018, 10:46

Are there not time retraints on when hedges may be cut?? avoiding the nesting season!

Helen Wilkinson

Thu 22 Mar 2018, 19:08

If its the hedge I think you are referring to, then there is no official footpath there, so it really is up to Ditchley how they use the land.

Brigid Sturdy

Thu 22 Mar 2018, 18:29

Does anyone here have any influence with Ditchley Park? Their farmer/contractor has made a brutal mess of slashing the lower hedge along the top field beyond the one which adjoins Woody Lane. This can hardly be intended to make room for more crops, as it adjoins the headland which is regularly used as a footpath (unless they intend to plough this up). It will be a pity if they do this with all their hedges in the next few weeks.

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