Sonic boom at 05.37h??

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 17 Mar 2018, 16:12

RU Sandra with the 4 beautifully trained Labrador pack that puts our overfriendly overgrown goldendoodle post-pup to shame? It could be something local falling over, I noticed the windspeed had risen notably when my attention was drawn to the outside. Unfortunately my old injuries were playing me up so was wide awake when it happened, I thought some box had fallen over in the loft until I remembered last time we had a confirmed Typhoon going supersonic over the midlands, which sounded similar.

Sandra Miller

Sat 17 Mar 2018, 06:27

Well it woke me up.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 17 Mar 2018, 05:41

Just heard a loud double thud - anyone else? Where does one find any reports about aircraft going supersonic? Birds outside are now awake, can hear a number of blackbirds!

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