Threatening phone call

Helen Chapman

Thu 5 Apr 2018, 16:23

We also had a call from "Shirley from ISP" this morning threatening disconnection.

Harriet Baldwin

Thu 5 Apr 2018, 13:19

"Shirley" the recorded voice threatening internet disconnection has called my mother three times today on 01605 007786

Simon Walker

Thu 5 Apr 2018, 10:18

Another recorded message this morning, almost word-for-word the same as the last one on 26th March, but this time originating from 01606 930482. Again, we have informed the Information Commissioner's Office.

Simon Walker

Mon 26 Mar 2018, 10:32

We've just had an automated call - pseudo-American female voice - to say that our BT line will be "terminated" today unless we press 1 for this, 2 for that, etc. Originating phone number 01245 789653, which an internet search shows has 'form' already. We've informed the Information Commissioner's Office.

Brian Murray

Sat 17 Mar 2018, 07:55

We missed a call Friday morning at 10.36 from a 01605 number. No voicemail was left. The various online telephone code checking services show that there is no 01605 code - anyone have any further ideas on that?

Pearl Manners

Fri 16 Mar 2018, 20:47 (last edited on Fri 16 Mar 2018, 21:17)

A new subject today 'does your oven need professional cleaning.? 01604097164 about 5. haven't checked it out yet.

John Kearsey

Fri 16 Mar 2018, 17:16

This particular scam has been around in the US for a while and would appear to have been copied for the UK market. The "Have a blessed day" is a bit of a give away!

Andrew Greenfield

Fri 16 Mar 2018, 16:35

We had this call as well some time whilst we've been away.
Not only did it sound like a recorded message being sent but it was also very much like a computer generated voice, though better than most of those.
The biggest give-aways that it is a scam were fact that, firstly, HMRC never make cold calls like that (they either send it electronically if that is the manner you have chosen or send it in the post), and secondly that they will never add the final greeting "Have a blessed day"; that really was laughable after the supposed dire warning of court cases and so forth!

Peter Bridgman

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 14:19

Further to my easlier report, I have contacted the police and they say they will follow this up. They have given me a crime no which is 43180079665

Stephen Andrews

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 12:57

Me too. Number now blocked.

Robin Taylor

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 12:44

We had one as well, this morning! I hung up when she got to the phrase 'lawsuit'. We don't call them that in the UK.

vicky burton

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 11:57

Me too! Most of Charlbury are going to be up before HMRC at this rate...

Tony Graeme

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 11:47

She must be having a busy time working through 01608 numbers,Helen! I have just had a similar call.

Helen Wilkinson

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 10:59

Just got my call from'HMRC' officer Lisa Williams at 10.55 - despite TPS we are getting more and more of these type of calls.

Christine Battersby

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 10:21

Had a similar call from a different number 02896205123 just gone 9 a.m.

Very menacing & intrusive voice claims to be from HM Revenue and Taxes about an important and time-sensitive legal case against me. Demands I phone a number immediately. Clearly a scam, but unusually threatening.

This number has been searched on "who called me" 1550 times, with 64 comments about it on that site. I have attempted to block it with 1572 on BT. Let's hope that works since others are reporting that TPS doesn't seem to block it.

Roy Coates

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 09:56

We received a call from the same number at 9.28 with similar voice. This is a scam and we blocked and reported it as such as described in my earler post on the other thread.

Kate Smith

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 09:52

Hi Peter,
we had the same call this morning at a similar time - the scammers are getting more and more convincing!

Gary Walker.

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 09:51

It's a scam, but concerning all the same -

Peter Bridgman

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 09:43

I am posting this as a new topic as it sounds more threatening than usual. Today at 8.55 am an answer phone message was ledt on my phone from an articulaterticulate woman. The phone number was02922550404 sha said I must c ontact her immediately to resolve an important issue whch could result in me being involved in some sort of crime and she goes on to imply that HM customs aRevenue and Customs would be involved. This is almost certainly some sort of scam but it is quite disturbing to receive. I will endeavour to report it to the police, but meanwhile has any one else received such a message? P;lease excuse any spelling errors, eyesight is making life difficult!

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