Odd behaviour of Charlbury website on PC?

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 28 Feb 2018, 19:29

Ah ha, yes, running ublock... "whitelist the charlbury.info domain in" oh dear another google of a how to.. I've never done that. And yes, a lot of extensions now disabled un 5758 update as now observed...

Andrew Greenfield

Wed 28 Feb 2018, 17:30

Malcolm, you will undoubtedly find that a lot of your extensions/add-ons in FF-56 are disabled when you move to FF-58.
This started with FF-57, and unfortunately, for many add-ons, there are no replacement or updated add-ons to use in their place in FF-57 and beyond so you may find that FF uses less ram now, and also that it runs faster; that's certainly my experience, though I do miss a few add-ons.

For advert photos, as Simon says, you need to whitelist the charlbury.info domain in Addblock (or Ublock-origin, which is better) settings.

Simon Walker

Wed 28 Feb 2018, 16:01

If you have an active ad-blocker, then the photos won't show. At least, that's what Richard advised me some time ago. I disabled the ad-blocker just for the Cby website, and can now see the photos (not always the right way up, but that just helps keep the imagination active ....)

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 28 Feb 2018, 15:19

I'm disabling extensions on an elimitation basis 'cos that's my main suspicion. I've a lot invested in FF extensions built up over years and the do consume a lot of ram even with a tab saver/suspender in operation (running 16gb in one machine, an older smaller ram machine becomes quite rapidly unuseable.

On an aside, why does FF not display photos in Adverts?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 28 Feb 2018, 12:00

That seems odd Malcolm - there's virtually no Javascript on the Charlbury website so there shouldn't be anything slowing it down. Sounds like a bug in either Firefox or any extensions you might have installed.

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 28 Feb 2018, 00:18

FF 58.02, I'd not noticed a version change thru auto update ..

Andrew Greenfield

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 21:59

No problem for me using Firefox 58, leaving this site open on Xubuntu 16.04, but using the 4.4 kernel series.
have you tried using chromium-browser?
I seldom use it as it uses more screen real-estate for its window decorations than firefox, and I find it slower than firefox as well.
No problems with the OS locking up either, though I can't comment on Facebook as I do not use it.

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 21:12

I'm getting something weird here. If I leave Charlbury website open in Firefox 57/Quantum under linux mint (ubuntu 16.04 base, 4.13 kernel) the entire memory of the computer is consumed and it caches RAM to the swapdisk to the tune of - at last hangup - 1.3gb. Cinnamon and Mate desktop enivronment though this shouldn't make a difference..?

Anyone else using Firefox and Linux? Anyone else having an odd locking up of the computer? ISTR Facebook doing something similar a while back. BTW this is repeatable... And Windows 10 I find unuseable...so won't use it unless under WINE or a VM. I know us Linux users are a minority but!

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