Journals for the Library

Christine Battersby

Wed 28 Feb 2018, 10:32

The Open University has a very useful page which gives links to publicly available open access e-journals and e-resources: . It also tells you about other ways of getting access to Jstor.

Also, many people don't seem to realise that one can apply to have access to the Bodleian Library as an independent researcher (you have to show need to use their resources). If accepted, this is free of to those aged 65+ & those on a variety of benefits; & those with an Art Fund card pay half price. NHS staff get a better type of membership, also for free.

See here for info about getting a card:

You need to go into the Bodleian Readers Applications Office in person. Unfortunately, however, the need for frequent renewals & the limitations on what can be accessed - & when - make this less than an ideal solution. But it is useful, especially in the Oxford University vacations when more reading rooms open up to those who don't qualify for full membership.

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 20:45

SH - ah, yesss... verrry interesting ... put me on the list too, Richard!!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 20:29

Yes - some universities offer journal access to their alumni via a site called JSTOR. Alternatively, there's always sci-hub (ahem) - probably not legit to offer details on how to access this without risking this site being taken down but I'll tell you in person, Harriet!

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 20:23

Harrirt, I think I saw something from Sussex alumni saying one could get access from alma mater to journals, but it ended up in a heap of skimmed but not followed up emails been meaning to find sometime ... if one of mine does this possibly yours? Been meaning to follow this up. One of the most frustrating things for me since moving to C - mostly so the kids could grow up in a "village" environment - is a lack of access where in Oxford all sorts of libraries. The stuff I wanted isn't in books as a rule.

Hans Eriksson

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 18:01

If you have a library card you can access some newspapers and magazines online from home.

Harriet Baldwin

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 17:49

Julie, does the library have online access to for example Elsevier journals? I miss having access to a university library where I can read anything.

Julie Ward

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 17:34

Thank you for your kind offer, Malcolm, but unfortunately Charlbury library also has very limited storage and shelving space. As you say, these periodicals are available online (and we are able to help customers access them online if they wish), so smaller libraries such as ours tend not to keep them. Thanks again. Julie Ward, Charlbury Library Manager.

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 15:59

I've got the New Scientist, Economist, a couple of other "quality" periodical amassing on my (very) limited shelf space. With the advent of online archives I no longer keep them for more than a year at most, maybe a few weeks... Seems a pity to just pulp them. Would they be of any use to the Library in a stack that I would top up weekly or so? A lot of the articles in them aren't particularly time critical, so to speak, so perhaps be of some interest for anyone who likes to peruse paper?

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