
glena chadwick

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 18:06

Thank you Katie and Steve. Problem was programming and all sorted now thanks to kind friend.

Steve Jones

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 12:47

If by hot water thermostat, you mean a cylinder stat (which will be strapped to the hot water cylinder), then they aren't really the sort of device that lends themselves to repair. However, you can get a cylinder stat for less than £13 from Screwfix. Anybody competent with household electrics ought to be able to replace one as long as it's not in a sensitive environment (that is a bathroom or kitchen).

If it's the boiler stat (or it's a combi boiler), that's another issue.

Katie Ewer

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 12:09

You can often pickup second hand ones cheaply on ebay. I did that when ours failed.

glena chadwick

Tue 27 Feb 2018, 09:30

My central heating/hot water thermostat has become faulty. Do I get a new one fitted or someone to mend the existing one ? Recommendations ? Many thanks.

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