Charlbury Open Gardens 2018

Steve Jones

Sat 24 Feb 2018, 12:01

A quick introduction. I'm a relatively recent resident of Charlbury (just over two years), and not to be confused with my namesake on this forum.

The duty has fallen to me this year to organise the Charlbury Open Garden event on behalf of the Charlbury Street Fair. It's set for Sunday 10th June, and my purpose for posting is to say that I will, very shortly looking for owners who would be prepared to open their gardens for this event which raises much needed funds for the Corner House and the Memorial Hall. I have a list of gardens that have been used previously, and will be approaching owners (but not any open in 2016 or 2017). However, if anybody is keen to open their garden for 2018 (especially any that haven't been opened before), then I'd be keen to hear from them. Only rule is that it will have to be within reasonable walking distance of the town centre - say less than 10 minutes.

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